Ryan had never been in a relationship before - not that he and Brendon were, of course; as deluded as Ryan could be sometimes he knew that for certain - but this was the closest he’d felt to one, and they hadn’t even made anything ‘official.’ It’s just that they both took each other seriously (then didn’t when the time was right), gave one another all their attention and simultaneously knew when to look away, were so physically close oftentimes that it barely passed as platonic anymore... the list went on. Actually it was a wonder that they hadn’t just unanimously decided to be ‘together’ without saying anything about it aloud. Ryan wasn’t sure if Brendon would even want that or if he was just looking for something simple, noncommittal, but either way Ryan let himself entertain the dream. In his head Brendon was far different from past lovers who’d disappear in the middle of the night, who lost interest when they met someone even marginally more successful, who only hung off him for a public image. Brendon was definitely different. Actually, Ryan was glad he became best friends with him first rather than trying for anything that night outside of the tour bus. Brendon looked almost sheepish in the face of constant flattery, which only really drove Ryan’s resolve to continue. [i]Shut up and kiss somebody else’s ass.[/i] He grinned, probably would have followed orders if he didn’t think Brendon deserved the kind words and compliments - it took him so long to break into the industry that Ryan was convinced he’d been underappreciated prior to the career he had now. Of course, at this point, it wasn’t such a big deal because 80% of the messages they got from fans or admirers were for or about Brendon, their intriguing new frontman; still. There was a lot of lost time to make up for. Even if that wasn’t the case, Ryan loved his flattered expression more than anything ever, so. Paying him a simple compliment that was just stating the truth aloud was nothing for a huge reward like Brendon’s shy smile. When they kissed - thank God - Ryan’s suspicions about his particular gift for it were confirmed. Not only the act itself, but everything surrounding it; like when they parted and he swept his thumb ever so gently over Ryan’s cheekbone, and Ryan could live in that moment forever because for once he felt no anxiety or stress at all. And the picture of Brendon with lowered lids and his lips just barely parted wasn’t an unpleasant one, either - Ryan didn’t bother hiding the fact that he was enjoying the view anymore. [i]Fuck. Yeah, I’m in love with you. I love you.[/i] They were both clearly quite excited about this new revelation and Ryan leaned into the hand against his jaw, ready to, like, cry or die or something, and this was the first time he’d actually been overwhelmed by emotion. He wasn’t sure if he liked that feeling in particular, but the situation around it was definitely good. In response to Brendon’s admission he let go of an unknowingly held breath, laughing softly in relief and leaning even further into Brendon. [i]Damn right. Took us long enough.[/i] Good thing they were both in agreement. At least now he knew he wasn’t the only one who took forever to come to terms with and decide what to do with his feelings- he thought it’d just been him overthinking, dramatic as usual. Ryan let the tiniest of gaps close between them according to the guiding hand at his collar, feeling safe in the grasp Brendon had at his side. He figured he was alone in imagining this since forever. [i]Try me.[/i] Or maybe not. Ryan tilted his head and wore a kind of dubious smile at that just as Brendon leaned up to kiss him again, and Ryan easily accepted it, catching the back of his head and releasing the tiniest breath of surprise against his lips when he felt a gentle bite. [b]”Alright, so maybe you do know,”[/b] he mumbled against Brendon’s skin, closing his eyes and enjoying the affection constantly pressed along his jawline, still holding Brendon close like his life depended on it. He wouldn’t have noticed the rain if the hand in Brendon’s hair wasn’t suddenly catching little droplets, and he opened his eyes curiously, running his fingers through Brendon’s hair again to catch more moisture. He laughed softly and finally used his other hand to remove the glasses, vision no longer obstructed by raindrops, then hung them in Brendon’s collar again. He turned his head to catch Brendon’s lips again, on the verge of breathless when they broke apart. [b]”I know the rain is getting a little serious, but-“[/b] Another kiss, because he couldn’t really help it. [b]”-I kind of don’t want to move. Ever.”[/b] They probably looked slightly out of their minds, clinging to each other in the rain, unable to speak for more than a few seconds before they were kissing again. Ryan didn’t really have a problem with it, anyway.