[h1] The Iron Guard [/h1] The Iron Guard play a crucial role in the Qual military; "Hold The Line." As of January 20th, 583 L.E., there have been a record of 30 Iron Guard Divisions that make up a little over half a million in manpower. Quickly trained, mixed in with veterans, and fresh to the grinder, these men and women serve as the wall between the enemy and the cities they defend. Propaganda, while not completely effective, has been used to pull in volunteers, inspire draftees, give hope to the veteran, and regulate a steady chain of command with morale steadily rising. Cherry picked footage, daily speeches, and victory reports have helped remedy the situation to some degree. The typical Iron Guard division consists of: 1 Recon Battalion (750) 1 Artillery Regiment (4,500/IR) 3 Infantry Regiments (3,000/IR) 1 Support Tank Battalion (750 [150 5 man heavy tanks]) 1 Support Regiment (Medical, Engineers, Signals, etc) (3,000) While an experimental division composition, the supportive power of combined elements, in theory, provides a sufficent amount of supportive fire power and engaging infantry to progress with armored support without stretching the nation thin on tank supply while it continues to ramp up its production into full gear despite set backs in many areas. While it does not have motorized or mechanized capabilities, the thought to add motorized capability has been issued and is planned to be delivered first to the divisions who prove most useful. The use of Iron Guard is primarily defense, although the offensive is heavily encouraged if it is believed the battle can be won without sustaining heavy losses.