[b][i]Alexander Ascot[/i][/b] "Indeed I do, " Alexander said to Alto as Vittorio gave his speech. Stretching out his right hand, he conjured up the God-Binding Grimorie of Imprisonment, which appeared in a burst of glittering motes. Blessed and implicitly protected by as many Gods and Goddesses as possible, the book's cover and binding was nearly indestructable, as strong as Alexander's willpower and confidence in himself. And while those two weren't always the strongest, they would be strong enough for this. He had his own people to take care of, his own people he loved. And so his doubts, fears, and even his sadness and sympathy for Vittorio became irrelevant, pushed to the side as the young man knew he had to get back to this in one piece. Positioning himself in front of Alto and Michael, left hand holding the Sticky Foam Gun and right hand holding his Grimorie, he would shake his head and respond to Vittorio's rant about the Day of Reckoning: "No." [i]First Energy Beam: Floor and Dust. Second to Fifth Energy Beams: Cieling?[/i] Alexander would make use of the Body Art that Michael had given him to make a flying leap up, and [i]swat[/i] two of the four energy beams Vittorio had aimed at the floor above with the outside of his book, the embodiment of his Core Power. [i]Blessed by every imaginable Pantheon. Strengthened by my own soul. This is my own power, the power of one who seeks to protect others.[/i] As the other two energy rays hit the cieling (unless stopped by Michael and Alto), Alexander landed on the ground once more, breathing hard and clearly in pain. Assuming that Alto and Michael were distracted with preventing the floor above from collapsing upon them, the Officer put himself forward once more, saying, "Let me make this clear, [i]little boy[/i]. You talk about failure to do justice. You tell me to blame myself. You, who jump to conclusions on the haziest of assumptions, assume the roles of judge, jury, and executioner. " Alexander laughed in contempt even as Vittorio's astral form seemed to be lost in reverie, His Grimorie and Gun held out to hinder any attempt by the other Mephisto's student, the Shapeshifter, to interfere. "Only those who are better in investigation than the law have the right to take justice into their own hands, [i]young man[/i]," That statement encapsulated the essence of Alexander's personal philosophy. "No evidence other than your delusions point to Alto being guilty of summoning your friends' and family's killer." He would walk forwards with his weapons drawn, ready to bat away any attempt by Vittorio or Gillam to attack. "You know [i]nothing[/i] about the justice that you spout about, you little guttersnipe. So don't lecture me." And Alexander would charge Vittorio then, covering his own advance with a volley of sticky foam shots; the foam would absorb magical energy as it made contact with Vittorio's Astral Form. [@RoflsMazoy][@Dezuel][@Bartimaeus][@Scarifar][@Gentlemanvaultboy]