Satisfied that Ifor and Varric are in great shape, Golde traveled with this merry band of survivors towards the yellow light in the distance- although, merry was just putting a positive spin into it. In truth, they were all afraid, afraid of that horrifying beast that attacked them, afraid they will have no effective source of food and energy, afraid they won't be able to live another day. Despite all this, Golde was still thankful that she has met these people before she perished on an island that's seemingly placed on the corner of the earth. The optimistic Golde wanted to say something to cheer them all up but something in their faces made her just kept in to herself. Besides, she knows all too well you can't force someone to feel the opposite of what they're feeling especially in a stressful situation such as this. The best she could do is to do what she does best and that is to heal. Instead, she used this silent walking as an opportunity to observe her co-survivors. She started with the most obvious one - Ifor. There has been some people in her village that had the same condition as him. If that was the case, Golde could only imagine what kind of things the poor man has experienced from the people around him. Fortunately, every one in her village was kind and accepting as long as you do no harm. Golde thought that if only Ifor lived in her hometown, he will know that there is still kindness in this cruel world. She also got the feeling that sympathizing and taking pity on Ifor will be of no good. Golde admired him for his strong-heart and willingness to help others in need. She turned next to Varric. Golde was a few distances away from the whole group when they washed ashore on this island, but she heard enough from her distance to know what kind of man he is. Her mother always told her that money will show the true you, and Varric may be a good example of that. She also heard rumors circulating among her people that men and women like Varric were extremely vain and think they're superior to all just because they live in the most glorious castles, though Golde doesn't know much about Varric to know if he really is of royalty or just a wealthy merchant. In any case, Golde decided to give him the benefit of doubt and be kind to him. After all, everyone's equal in the eyes of a doctor. Then Golde saw Temp, the short-haired woman who protected her earlier. Like she thought before, Golde was ashamed to put everyone on labels just based on their first impressions. After Golde saw how determined Temp was in protecting her, even if she can cuss more worse than a drunk pirate, she decided to make Temp her friend. Truth be told, Golde admires Temp as the older sister she wished she could have. Next, Golde turned to Elliot. The crazy thing is, she never saw his birthmark on his face until everything calmed down. It really came as a surprise to her when she finally saw it and decided not to make a big deal out of it. Elliot seems like a very quiet guy to her, and as women in her village would say: quiet men are intelligent men. Rather that or he just has his own problems. Nevertheless, Elliot seems like a very nice guy once you get to know him personally. At last, Golde saw Thomas. To be honest, he's kind of adorable. He looks like a grown-up little boy playing pretend soldier, though Golde knows it will be too harsh of an observation. She admires how courageous he was when the creature attacked them, and Golde saw that he isn't just a soldier, he was a knight. Though this could be a hyperbole but Golde can't help but admire Thomas as he is a handsome one himself. She just wished Thomas would have more self-confidence and she's pretty sure he'll be more admirable than a knight in shining armor. After a few moments, they arrived at the source of the yellow light and was quite surprised to see an obelisk there. Golde only knew about obelisks thanks to the fantasy story books she used to read as a kid and to see one in person just seemed so... magical in a way. She saw Elliot approaching and touching the obelisk as it shone to brightly. The winds were so strong Golde felt she could be carried away as their wet clothes dried quickly. Then the light faded, though not completely, and the winds died down but only after did she saw the griffins. [color=lightsalmon]"Wha... what in heavens is going on?",[/color] Golde weakly and quietly whispered to herself. It's bad enough that they're trapped on an island in the middle of nowhere with a nightmarish creature on their heels. Now they discovered the island wasn't that deserted after all after they heard some natives and creatures that are the products of mythologies were right on front of their very eyes. She quickly hid from the beasts. If they were to be discovered by these beasts, their lives will surely come to an end in just a snap. Then she saw Elliot quietly approaching the source of indistinct chatter. Natives of the island? Golde almost smiled in glee before remembering what has happened to them so far. If these beasts are as vicious as they seem, how much more are the humans living on this island? Golde quietly prayed that Elliot won't be seen by these griffins.