[center] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180411/1086ec10afa08788df1e05e080d87b47.png[/img] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180411/57100eb8e5ee232a9b048472f6b3edef.png [/img] [color=C448FA][sub][i]Level I deity of musical expression[/i][/sub][/color][/center] Its cocoon shattered, interrupting its reverie. It had not known it could be shattered- its entire existence had been within this orb of softly pulsing light and sound, and it had not thought to leave, content to linger drifting on dreams, or perhaps memories, of crooned melodies and ferocious battle-hymns alike. Vivid dreams of a world out there, just beyond its grasp… And the shroud was gone. And all the light and sound and color that it had lived in was ripped away, and it tumbled, disoriented, in the void, moments stretching into eons as it felt itself falling, falling- A burst of light enveloped it, and when it found itself again it was of a most peculiar sensation- that of having a corporeal form. Touching a… plane of existence. This wasn’t right. It was too rough and cold and quiet and lacking in color and [i]quiet[/i]- It shifted between forms, the ball of energy it had landed in scattering, swirling into a column of writhing shapes and sounds and colors, spinning around itself bigger and faster, faster and faster until pieces of itself sheared off, forming into seeming plumes of feathers that existed peacefully for a brief second before they were wrenched back into the column once more… And in the cacophony of chattering notes from these creations, the sudden sound and color it had created… it stilled. The swirling slowed, the column shrinking in height and quickly fading, leaving behind the half-transparent visage of a young nearly-humanoid woman- pearlescent hair being swept around her, eyes shifting through bright colors and peering around the assembly in alarm and confusion. The feathered plumes, having regained their own composure, settled on the being’s shoulders, on her head, perching on her hair and arms. Small creatures, weighing a few grams at most, with feathered wings of iridescent jewel-toned colors and dramatic plumed tails several times the length of their bodies. They came in all hues, about a dozen of them perching on her, chittering amongst themselves and cooing as they settled against her body. There were others here. She peered about, the tensions of their arguing- and of some, their honest attempts at peace- radiating plain as day and setting her to trembling in confusion, overwhelmed. She had never met another, not so far as she could remember, and here there were so many… A name called to her. Multiple names. She did not know how she knew of them, but they spoke to her as though they had once been hers. [color=c448fa]“Rytia Udione. At your service. Forgive me for my...outburst. It will not happen again. I am not used to possessing a…form, such as this.”[/color] Her voice was bell-toned, high pitched but clear, echoing around the gathering- and broadcasting her uncertain inflection for all to hear. To stop herself from fidgeting, her hands went absently to the small violet- and fuchsia- and cyan-hued birds perching on her shoulders, and she petted them gently with her fingertips. [hider=Summary] [color=c448fa]Rytia has a …flashy arrival. A very flashy one. Awkwardly introduces herself. MIGHT: 3.75/4 LEFT 0.25 used (creating songbird things.) 0.25/2 LVL I -> LVL II[/color][/hider]