[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=slateblue][center]Agent Alec Fletcher[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://www.slashfilm.com/wp/wp-content/images/Awake-pilot.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][sub][color=slateblue]Location:[/color] Boston, MA [color=slateblue]Interacting With:[/color] Agent Jade Cornish[/sub][hr][hr] [/center] Alec barked out a laugh in response to Jade's comment about work. Yeah, he could never get off the sauce himself, though it was rare to get a job because of it. Usually it ruined your chances for finding decent work, though in their current situation, things weren't so "decent". Having a minimum wage job at Walmart may be soul-draining, but at least you got to keep your damned soul and not have it ripped out by pissed off Gods. He was quiet for most of the car ride, going over the past few days in his head. His calming fishing trip seemed like it had happened years ago now, with all the craziness that had occurred. Witnessing a massacre over a monitor screen didn't do much to lift his spirits either. Taking a swig from his hip flask (And not caring that it was "day-drinking") he looked to Jade and the other Agent as the cab arrived. [color=slateblue]"Think we're gonna have to expect any trouble in there?"[/color] He questioned, peering up at the MIT building. Would Hel send people here to cover up evidence, or would that be beneath an immortal to worry about?