What!? She didn't want any part in this! Fiona couldn't help but let out a whimper of defeat, though she hesitated when she couldn't help but notice the tension in the air. She couldn't say she disliked any of the other girls--as they were responsible for their own paths--but the hostility some had was rather alarming. So much so, that when Emily had decided to take her along, she found herself actually concerned as Elise hurled rather hurtful words at Emily. Letting out a sigh, she scratched her cheek, only coming back into focus when Emily addressed her. Fiona searched Emily's face for a moment, wondering how she could answer properly. Maybe if she had gotten there sooner, she could have tried to sit them down to air out their problems. But did she stand a chance when she would be fighting years of resentment and bitterness? Fiona counted herself lucky; her normal life had been a blessing, and it was easily something that the others could have wanted, too. Did Emily resent her for it and was just pretending to be nice? Shelving the thought, Fiona decided to respond to Emily. "[color=red]Everyone's fine, Sarah was sick again but she's recovering well,[/color]" She said, taking out her phone and shooting a text to her husband that she wouldn't be home for some time. But she found she couldn't quite let things go. Pocketing her phone, she looked at Emily. "[color=red]You think it's alright to leave everyone like that?[/color]" She asked quietly.