I don't agree that it was obvious that your character would need someone resourceful and cunning. Especially with a title like the savage and the subservient. You can't have it both ways. I have a female who is cunning but she wouldn't have been a slave. Although I might have been able to make her one. I have a woman who is social but again not a slave. Getting into places that the Beastkind can't doesn't require any special skills. I assumed, wrongly, that she would be getting supplies or gathering information from specific people. Liz's strength is fighting for others but he hasn't needed her to do that. At the stables she was prepared to defend the horses even though she isn't a fighter. She had even grabbed the arm of the mage closest to her. There was no clear threat when Bastian's wagon was moved. Going into the city alone would have been hard but doable. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that she was expected to something I had no logical way for her to do. He didn't say go to this person and ask these questions. Instead he sent her into a gambling hall to find someone with a bounty on their head. Finding someone like the Blade Beauty isn't as simple as finding a butcher or even a boundy hunter. Someone with the reputation of the Bladed Beauty isn't going to be easy to find nor is asking usual "How do I find such and such" going to work. Once I had a way for Liz to search for the Bladed Beauty that made sense given the reputation of the woman I would have done so without an issue. But in the situation described not even my criminal character would have been able to do what Bastian wanted. My beastkind didn't need help. He was offering help. There was no reason to fight for my beastkind. He didn't need Bastian. He wasn't asking for their help. He simply wanted to offer his aid. I didn't expect the kidnappers to take the kids in front of the Beastkind. However there are usually reasons that people get targeted for kidnapping which would give the Beastkind leads. Were they taken for revenge? That tells him where to look. Were they take for money? That tells him where they might go. Depending how much time has passed since his kids were taken he could pick up their trail using his sense of smell. Right now he seems to have nothing. I would have taken control of the northside when Liz went off alone [b][i][u]IF[/u][/i][/b] I had some clue how this world works. But things that seem logical to me don't seem to work in the world you are building. Taking control means understanding the world. I don't understand the world we are in. Liz was a slave. In ever book I've read that comes with restrictions as well as a way for others to identify them. I will not change the course of the story. I hate when people do that. Especially when I have a clear goal. You seem to have a road map you want them to follow. So I am following that. 1. Bastian's long term friend didn't give them anything. Atleast not much. Not enough to make him an influential part of the story. They could have gotten that information anywhere. 2. I am undecided how this curse will affect the plot or the relationship. I don't fully understand it yet. 3. You don't need an assassin's guild to have tunnels. But I can see how the tunnels cut the travel time down. I have no problem with that. 4. If Bastian's kids were taken for revenge he would know who took them. If they were taken for money he would know where the kidnappers were likely to go. He would also know them because he should have their scent. Especially if his kids were taken from his home. 5. The uprising makes sense but I doubt it will have much of an impact on the story sense Bastian doesn't care one way or the other. Whenever I do this plot the Beastkind has a suspect. Bastian doesn't have to know exactly who took his kids. But he seems to have no suspects. He is going off of rumors. That is a terrible way to try to find someone especially in a world like this one. When I question something it is because I am not sure I understand what is wanted or needed. I want a clearer understanding of what is happening so that my character can react. I don't mean to come across as critical but I can't always follow your train of thought. I don't think you are picking up my ideas. And I admit they are subtle. Maybe too subtle. I don't like pushing the plot. Especially when I am not sure that my idea will help or hurt. I don't like it when people push the story away from the main goal of the plot. Especially when the character is suppose to be [b][i][u]SUBMISSIVE[/u][/i][/b] to the other character.