"I wish I could've been down there!", Terry said excitedly. After watching the duel he found it hard to contain his excitement after watch the two teacher's. "I bet you wish that could've you, right Yute?" In his attempt to tease and get Yute just as amped as him, Terry pokes him several times in his side. The most his annoying poking does is aggravate Yute. To quell his friends curiousity, Yute turns his head towards him. "Yea, I wouldn't have mind seeing how well i'd do against them. They have the intense skill you'd expect a teacher to have." Looking forward at Izumi a sudden thought hits Yute. "Maybe your idea wasn't as stupid as I thought Terry." Rather than saying it with his normally serious voice, there's a hint of excitement that both Terry and Kei notice. "We'll really clean house with everyone this year! With our ace getting pumped for my ideas!". Terry suddenly jumps into the air, startling the students sitting around them. "Settle down, there isn't a guarantee i'll follow through with it", Yute says with a large amount of annoyance present in his voice. "What's Terry on about?", Reshoi asks with curiosity. Realizing how much he's spilled Terry instantly covers his mouth. "It's something between just me and him.", Yute answers Reshoi. Uncovering his mouth, Terry tries to quickly divert the subject before another question can be asked. "But what about pendulum summoning though!? We should look into them some, don't you think?". Looking at Terry with slight irritation Reshoi gives Terry a look. "You just want to summon 5 monsters at once don't you?", Reshoi says teasingly. "Yea! Just look at how Izumi used them!", Terry replies back. While the two go back and forth Yute looks around, wandering where Izashi could be. Turning behind him Yute sees the excitement, plain as day on Izashi's face."I have to face off against her! A opponent that strong!", Izashi says excitedly while jittering in his seat. Letting out a sigh, Yute looks forward, waiting on the assembly to end.