[quote=@Sierra][/quote] Why do you think I told him to chill? He's overzealous for sure, but starting an argument in an interest check isn't going to help anyone. [quote=@Lmpkio] [/quote] I agree that Jynmi's approach was the best of the bunch, but you being snide isn't any better than Hex being blunt. [quote=@jynmi88][/quote] No telling without OP laying it out for us all, though he mentions our characters eventually regaining memories of home like it's important, so multiverse characters may well be rare. [quote=@Zero Hex][/quote] OK, maybe you're not exactly worried, but you are interested enough to warrant continual posting. Yes, the OP leaves a lot of information hanging, but the only real solution is to wait for more info. Arguments and debates with other potential players is pointless at best, detrimental at worst. I don't understand Sierra's concerns about bluntness either, but best just to leave it as a weird communication issue. Edit: Snipped all the quotes to avoid Wall-O-Quotes