[CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/LTe8hGW.png[/IMG] [color=skyblue]Level 2 God of Civilization (Speech)[/color] & [color=lightcyan][b]Azazael[/b] of His Breath, Level 1 Hero[/color] [color=blueviolet][b]Halazael[/b] of the Heavens, Level 1 Hero[/color] [color=saddlebrown][b]Makaizael[/b] of the Earth, Level 1 Hero[/color][/center] [hr] That first decree having been made to his Watchers, mere moments passed before Promus sensed the perturbation below; his eyes gazed down at what was unfolding between the demon Larwen and those that had confronted it. The Watchers traced the gaze of their master and maker even as wings veiled their faces and shielded their eyes from the evil below. All four sets of oculi fell upon one goddess as she began to ascend to the Celestial Sphere where they were suspended. She who approached was the weeping mother, and she offered nothing in the manner of greeting or even a name. [color=darkorange][i]'I see you have created guardians,'[/i][/color] her voice called out as she was met by the empty stoicism upon Promus' face. [color=darkorange][i]'No guardian is complete without martial prowess.'[/i][/color] There was a pregnant pause as he waited for more, only to be left disappointed. It would be he who offered true tiding first, then. He spoke even as her touch extended to his three Watchers and filled their hearts with the fire of battle. For her burning hair and wild ire towards the demon Larwen, he offered many titles to fill the void left by an unknown name. [color=skyblue]"Hail to you, O Foreign Mother of Fire and Flowers, upon whose Fiery Crown rests Wisdom and Might. I am known as Promus."[/color] He looked back to his Lords of Civilization in their now-reddened primes. Still, none of them had uttered a single word in all of their time thus far. [color=skyblue]"You may speak. The power -- my power, has resided in you all this time."[/color] With his leave finally given, the words flowed free. First, from that young one fashioned of clay came the declaration, [color=saddlebrown]"I am named Makaizael, and I humbly offer thanks for your kindness."[/color] From Azazael, he who was of of Promus' own breath, there came speech as sweet as honey. [color=lightcyan]"The gift that you bestow honors me, as does your beauty and exuberant aura of strength."[/color] His wings parted the smallest bit to offer a glimpse of the perfect face that was meant to forever hide from the world, and in that moment his hair seemed redder than blood. She seemed to smile at Azazael and devoured him with her eyes even as the stony form of Promus somehow found a way to become even more rigid. The moment was saved as Halazael of the Heavens finally broke his silence. He gave a small bow and his quiet voice offered only, [color=blueviolet]"Thank you. I am called Halazael."[/color] [hider=Summary] After the short talk that Promus gave to his Watchers at the end of my last post, he looks down and sees the drama that unfolds with Larwen. He doesn't say or do anything, just watches as Seihdhara (he still doesn't know her name) comes up. He is miffed that she doesn't introduce herself or even say hi, instead just jumping right into business. But he still addresses her kindly because he liked how she yelled at Larwen. The three Watchers are given permission by Promus to speak, and so they each thank her in their own mannerisms. Makaizael is polite and respectful, Azazael is a bit enthralled (to Promus' obvious disapproval), and Halazael is shy and reserved. [/hider] [hider=Prestige Count] All three have 8 Prestige, because they've been involved in two posts and each has been a collab post, so +4 for each of the two posts. [/hider]