[quote=@KatherinWinter] I don't agree that it was obvious that your character would need someone resourceful and cunning. Especially with a title like the savage and the subservient. You can't have it both ways. I have a female who is cunning but she wouldn't have been a slave. Although I might have been able to make her one. I have a woman who is social but again not a slave. [/quote] Assuming our characters have to follow a strict and linear path based on the title that already has a additional explanation given in IC to describe the inhabitants of the world in a general matter. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Even so, Bastian has clearly shown to be someone to rush into things and his impulsivity is the antithesis of thoughtful planning. It don't think you need someone book smart, and maybe someone in a cell wouldn't be well traveled or knowledgeable about the world. And you don't lie. It does me question what she did do while imprisoned...she had to have done or learned something that would be useful right? Like pickpocketing, or picking a lock. Yes, having brains to go with brawn, and someone who can make rational plans would be immensely useful... [quote=@KatherinWinter] Liz's strength is fighting for others but he hasn't needed her to do that. At the stables she was prepared to defend the horses even though she isn't a fighter. She had even grabbed the arm of the mage closest to her. There was no clear threat when Bastian's wagon was moved. [/quote] I misremembered that scene. You're correct. Though, that still shows that I most certainly have given you chances for you and her character to shine or stand out. [quote=@KatherinWinter] Going into the city alone would have been hard but doable. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that she was expected to something I had no logical way for her to do. He didn't say go to this person and ask these questions. Instead he sent her into a gambling hall to find someone with a bounty on their head. Finding someone like the Blade Beauty isn't as simple as finding a butcher or even a boundy hunter. Someone with the reputation of the Bladed Beauty isn't going to be easy to find nor is asking usual "How do I find such and such" going to work. Once I had a way for Liz to search for the Bladed Beauty that made sense given the reputation of the woman I would have done so without an issue. But in the situation described not even my criminal character would have been able to do what Bastian wanted. Liz was a slave. In ever book I've read that comes with restrictions as well as a way for others to identify them. [/quote] Nothing is undoable in a fantasy story/setting. Let's make that clear. Not every action characters do need to pay off in their favor. Maybe characters will make bad decisions and pay for them. But the only problem is if it was out of character for either to do what they did. And it wasn't. So there is no problem with Bastian hoping that his partner could do the unthinkable. But practically, his assumption was you'd not only be safer in the northern side of town. (Not a completely incorrect/out of place thing to do, for him to have you go to where he thinks is safer.) So even if you debate, could she have done what she was sent to do at the northside. There's literally already an additional benefit for her to go there. (In Bastian's eyes.) Remember again, in dialogue. She is NOT well known, she's known by her rare clientele. She's basically known more, in this city by the people and nowhere else. But disregarding that, you yourself are on their side. A criminal in a place full of criminals. You're acting like she'd stand out because of her criminal necklace. But she's going to an illegal gambling ring. She's in good company. She also has the whole beastkind uprising that the humans in the city are now protesting in the streets together for such purposes. [quote=@KatherinWinter] My beastkind didn't need help. He was offering help. There was no reason to fight for my beastkind. He didn't need Bastian. He wasn't asking for their help. He simply wanted to offer his aid. [/quote] You are thinking from an out of character prospective, not Elizabeth's. Yes, that beastkind offered help. Though intruding and being sly wasn't the best way to approach someone who just a bit ago got thrown down a waterfall by another suspicions aid. (who again, he couldn't merely turn back.) Though if he also was troubled and in a similar situation I can't imagine he didn't also need or want allies/reinforcements. So it would be bizarre for a kindred spirit to not need any help of his own, but give up and permanently do so when he knows kids lives are on the line. (and he'd have to assume Bastian is just a worried parent.) So disregarding questioning that characters morals and actions. Elizabeth didn't have a trust issue with your beastkind. She promised to help Bastian, she wanted to help Bastian. She obviously knows of the danger, knows Bastian's reckless and wants to be freed. So Elizabeth has every reason to convince Bastian to have him cool off a little and accept the help. Saying you didn't see a reason why Elizabeth should since it's Bastian's screw up (not mine mind you, he acted perfectably in character) Seems more petty than Elizabeth actually seems to be. [quote=@KatherinWinter] I didn't expect the kidnappers to take the kids in front of the Beastkind. However there are usually reasons that people get targeted for kidnapping which would give the Beastkind leads. Were they taken for revenge? That tells him where to look. Were they take for money? That tells him where they might go. Depending how much time has passed since his kids were taken he could pick up their trail using his sense of smell. Right now he seems to have nothing. [/quote] He already was able to assume to wasn't for money, because no evidence and note was left. Nor had he been contacted. I've already described this in IC. It would only give him answers for revenge if he had a clue who wanted vengeance on him. And for the record, his kids are being kidnapped for reasons that have nothing to do with him. But his father. (he's kind of important, hence why I bring him up multiple times. 3 times is a pattern kind of deal.) But he doesn't know that, and it makes no sense for him to have answers in this case. He had a lead given to him from his friend, that lead him to the city that had another lead that will actually have the names of the kidnapping victims. Frankly, in a magical world with all that can happen. He's actually making pretty decent progress all things concerned. Even if it is, favorable luck and unfortunate circumstances. (which is kind of the curse in a nutshell.) [quote=@KatherinWinter] I would have taken control of the northside when Liz went off alone [b][i][u]IF[/u][/i][/b] I had some clue how this world works. But things that seem logical to me don't seem to work in the world you are building. [/quote] We are both supposed to be building the world. That is the point. We agreed upon doing this before we started. [quote=@KatherinWinter] [color=ed1c24][b]I will not change the course of the story. I hate when people do that. Especially when I have a clear goal.[/b] [/color] [color=ed1c24][b]You seem to have a road map you want them to follow. So I am following that. [/b][/color] [color=00aeef][b]I don't think you are picking up my ideas.[/b][/color] And I admit they are subtle. Maybe too subtle. I don't like pushing the plot. Especially when I am not sure that my idea will help or hurt. I don't like it when people push the story away from the main goal of the plot. [/quote] The red and blue statements are in conflict. You don't want to change the story because you don't like that. You don't want to introduce ideas because you're aren't sure if they'll work. BUT. I'm the problem, if I cannot somehow go in a direction you yourself claim you aren't making on purpose. So what else can I reasonably do? If you don't want to push the plot, in general. I would have been fine just doing the story/plot myself so you wouldn't have needed to worry about it. But my biggest contention is I'm confused on all the questioning of my character and story (like it's connected to me personally.) Like seemingly getting insulted by Bastian's actions toward your NPC character. Throwing that idea, like a baby with the bathwater. Because Bastian who was already -not- in a good mood. Was grumpy because a second stranger acted suspicious and interrupted their journey. You have not provided a single world element, character, or detail that I haven't acknowledged in IC. [quote=@KatherinWinter] Especially when the character is suppose to be [b][i][u]SUBMISSIVE[/u][/i][/b] to the other character. [/quote] I'm sorry but I already explained why this is a cop-out. You can still control the story without using Elizabeth to do it. You could add drama through environment or characters. While I'm at it, "suppose" to. Doesn't even mean you "need" to. Does any real human/character do things without a hint of protest or defiance? But that doesn't need to be answered, because it isn't relevant. (like the character's role in the story has anything to do with how a world/plot can shape.) [quote=@KatherinWinter] 1. Bastian's long term friend didn't give them anything. At least not much. Not enough to make him an influential part of the story. They could have gotten that information anywhere. [/quote] He not only gave him the single piece of information that allowed him to continue the journey. (he gave Bastian his first real lead.) He gave him information regarding the slave trade, that got him interested in going to you. (So he's the reason your character and mine were introduced. And he gave Bastian the money to pay for Elizabeth too.) He has given us a second horse, a bigger wagon and many extra supplies. (some of those can/may just come up later.) He isn't the only connection they have to the assassin guild's. But Bastian's thinks that's the reason they've helped and will continue to help him. So for a character impaled and killed quite quickly, he was pretty darn helpful. [quote=@KatherinWinter] 2. I am undecided how this curse will affect the plot or the relationship. I don't fully understand it yet. [/quote] One thing I was considering introducing was, you being able to calm Bastian down exceedingly fast and enable him to better control his curse. Through affectionate action and words. This makes sense because, A. Bastian has dead wife problems and you look just his wife. B. When you kissed, Bastian felt something special. (Bastian is clearly bashful/comfortable around her too.) But wasn't going to bring it up yet, since it was an odd circumstance. C. It is a romance story, and Beauty and the Beast is a nice parallel. D. Adding another reason why he picked you, and how they'll both need each other in the story/plot. [quote=@KatherinWinter] 3. You don't need an assassin's guild to have tunnels. But I can see how the tunnels cut the travel time down. I have no problem with that. [/quote] But the assassin guild is connected to his father and the curse and the kidnappings. So it's plot relevant, and it was clearly foreshadowed that, that wasn't the last time they'd be seeing the guild in the story. But out of all the places, to assist kidnapping (that's bigger than he is aware.) Also, while fast travel could have been done in other ways. Since I had more planned. It just makes more sense that out of any place to have widespread underground tunnels, would be a place with powerful influence. [quote=@KatherinWinter] 5. The uprising makes sense but I doubt it will have much of an impact on the story sense Bastian doesn't care one way or the other. [/quote] This was something I didn't plan on really expanding too deeply into. This was purely for world building and gives a sense that going anywhere unfamiliar will likely be a rather dangerous place. But it also isn't wrong to have a world that lives outside your characters interactions. [quote=@KatherinWinter] Whenever I do this plot the Beastkind has a suspect. Bastian doesn't have to know exactly who took his kids. But he seems to have no suspects. He is going off of rumors. That is a terrible way to try to find someone especially in a world like this one. When I question something it is because I am not sure I understand what is wanted or needed. I want a clearer understanding of what is happening so that my character can react. I don't mean to come across as critical but I can't always follow your train of thought. [/quote] Bastian was given a lead by his friend. He knows this Bladed Beauty lady has connections with his kidnappers, she's done work for her rare clientele which also gives her more likability to remember and know more information about the kidnappers, and he figures correctly that she's in her home city, where she's safe. (and as you can now tell.) Is kind of trapped at, due to the massive mob of uprising Beastkind at the entrance. Bastian doesn't know why or who took his kids, because that was the intention of the criminals. They do not even want Bastian at all. He doesn't factor into any of his enemies plans. They wanted the kids. (At least that was the direction I intended to go.) I apologize if I come across in a negative way. I understand that I haven't explained much. I figured like most stories, information would be shown in IC. In due time. I can understand now that you'd prefer me to give you a detailed explanation OOC before moving forward in IC. So you can more easily follow along and I'd hope give you confidence to contribute to the story itself? So, I also apologize the long stall of this roleplay. If you wish for me to continue by starting off with an explanation of what my next several post intend to accomplish. I can post such things and continue the roleplay. And get back to posting in IC more regularly.