Damien watched carefully as a young man walked up to a guard near the quarantine zone, and strangled him into unconsciousness by forming a tentacle out of thin air. [i]Surprising. Heroes aren't usually ones to initiate violence towards innocents, let alone police.[/i] He continued tracking the boy's movements, until he lost sight of him as the boy walked around a building. Damien quickly crawled his way down the fire escape he had previously used to get atop the building, and ran back towards his home. He rushed to his room, pulled a chest out from underneath his bed, and slowly opened it, revealing a customized suit he had ordered over a year ago. It included gloves with holes for his fingers, so he would still be able to use his power, even while wearing the suit. Damien put everything on, then stepped out into the alley where the entrance to his home was located. He walked at a brisk pace towards Carter Hills, avoiding civilians as best he could, making his way by taking a route through different alleys, and derelict buildings. Damien stopped suddenly as he got nearer to Carter Hills, a gust of cold wind had blown his direction. [i]Odd[/i]. He thought, [i]and on such a beautiful spring day[/i]. He changed direction and headed towards the area where the cool air had come from, and was surprised by what he came across. Four of Engine City's police officers were unconscious. Damien quickly examined them all, one was frozen to the overpass, another was knocked out by some sort of blow to the chest area, and the other two simply seemed to be trapped in solid ice. [i]I don't understand. Why would a hero do this?[/i] He then noticed the walkie on the knocked out guard, and quickly walked over to grab it. Thinking of what to say, he pressed the side button to talk. "Hello, any nearby officers?" He waited a few seconds. "Hello? Anyone there? We have an emergency over here." A moment passed, then a voice came through. "Roger, we can hear you loud and clear. What seems to be the problem?" "You have four officers down, they need immediate medical attention." Damien replied, at which point he gave them the details of his location. He climbed to the top of a nearby building, and waited. A few minutes later, cops were swarming the area, thawing out the officers and looking for clues as to who may have done that to them. Damien continued watching from above, assessing his next move.