Kudamon continued to do his best to keep the Champion level Digimon distracted so that the others, particularly Supiromon could finish it. Kudamon was distracted when he heard the realization that this was another Digidestined Digimon, leaving him open to be attacked for a moment. Axel called out to him too be careful. Axel was right outside the diner at this point, but close enough to its door that he could duck back in to the diner if needed to take cover. He had also heard the statement that the attacking Digimon was, as the masked figure put it "One of us". Axel had not realized at first who it was, but upon seeing him with Falcomon, he connected the dots. Axel may not particularly [i]like[/i] people, but that doesn't mean he doesn't pay attention to them. Axel decided that now was not the time to address the question of why Raven runs around dressed like Arséne Lupin-based video game charecter, but Axel would have to remeber to ask Raven about it some other time.