[CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/LTe8hGW.png[/IMG] [color=skyblue]Level 2 God of Civilization (Speech)[/color] & [color=lightcyan][b]Azazael[/b] of His Breath, Level 1 Hero[/color] [color=blueviolet][b]Halazael[/b] of the Heavens, Level 1 Hero[/color] [color=saddlebrown][b]Makaizael[/b] of the Earth, Level 1 Hero[/color][/center] [hr] [colour=darkorange][i]'You're spoiling me with all this praise!'[/i][/colour] Promus ruminated upon that thought as Seihdhara offered her introduction. [color=skyblue]"In accepting and bestowing honor, even if it be only in a name, we challenge one another to strive for greater and to elevate our station from that of mere bestial and uncultured emptiness,"[/color] he decided aloud, but his words came more as an answer to his own musings more than to that statement which Seihdhara had proclaimed with spontaneity. In truth, he did not expect her to understand. She then showed the faery Dwynen and asked what he thought of it, so Promus regarded the fae creature for a moment. In that time, Azazael smiled at the creature (though none saw that look upon his hidden face), Makaizael silently contemplated the meaning of his father's words, and Halazael was the wind: present in name, yet intangible and unseen. [color=skyblue]"In that creature, I do see a sort of rugged beauty; it is that of an open canvas, of a stone that longs for the touch of a chisel, of a poem that resides in the imagination as it waits to be cast in words. It needs only a guiding hand to elevate it and enable it to achieve the greatness that is trapped within."[/color] But with that truthful answer given, the Heavenly Sage bowed deeply and was mimicked by his three Watchers. [color=skyblue]"I thank you both for your gifts. One day, this kindness shall be repaid, but until that time comes I bed thee both good fortune and farewell."[/color] He looked behind him to his the three Lords of Civilization and wordlessly bid them, [i]'Come.'[/i] The four ascended even higher, to the very uppermost reaches of the Celestial Sphere, and from the top of the sky Promus looked down to observe the doings of the other gods. More had arrived. He would meet with them in time, he was sure, but for he was content with merely taking in their words as they quarreled, made proclamations, and offered greetings. There were few that could speak so softly that not even the god of speech could hear when he listened. There was suddenly one that did demand his attention. It was a newcomer that trod forth from the Door with spear in hand, and who declared, "I am Regulus, patron of the strong, defender of the weak, harbringer of order." [color=skyblue]"Look, to him,"[/color] Promus bid his disciples. [color=lightcyan]"He who burns like the sun?"[/color] Azazael asked. Makaizael pointed questioningly to the one in strange garb who walks side-by-side with Death. He answered them both, [color=skyblue]"No."[/color] Promus turned his side to the silent Halazael and saw his eyes transfixed upon Regulus. [color=skyblue]"Perceptive."[/color] It was a small compliment, but one that filled his other two sons with envy. A small glow of happiness was Halazael's for a mere moment, but then he was placid once more and oblivious to the petty jealousy of his brothers. [color=skyblue]"He may make a worthy ally. Let this be the first lesson of the countless that you must learn: look always for allies, and seek to enlist their aid where you may. I once made the mistake of walking a dangerous path alone, and the cost was a dire one."[/color] Promus prepared to make his descent towards the beach, but something was amiss; he realized then that none of the three demons were within sight. [color=skyblue]"I will speak with Regulus alone. To you, my sons, I will offer you the first test: I charge you with the quest of tracking the demons and keeping watch on them. Go unseen, and do not try to challenge them. Merely observe."[/color] The Watchers looked to one another and were suddenly without their master and maker, for Promus had already fallen like a shooting star. Even though he came from beyond the highest clouds, his landing was like that of a raindrop some distance down the shore from Regulus. He approached the spear-wielding god silently until he drew close, and then he stopped and spoke, [color=skyblue]"Then know that you do not walk alone, you August Lord and Vessel of Righteous Strength; I am Promus, the Heavenly Sage and Patron of Civilization, and I too oppose the demons that bear fruit of chaos and corruption."[/color] [hider=Summary] Promus muses about the faery Dwynen and drops some philosophy on Seihdhara and Kap Gam. Then he thanks them both and leaves with his Watchers. He assigns his Lords of Civilization a divine quest: they are to track down the three demons (Larwen, Kikoquatl, and Gremju) and stealthily keep track of what those evildoers are up to before reporting back. Then Promus decides to greet Regulus because he sees the fellow god of Civilizations as a potential ally. Similar to with Seihdhara, he was impressed by the prostrating against chaos and so gives Regulus some honorifics before introducing himself. [/hider] [hider=Prestige Count] +3 Prestige for each of the three for this post because a divine quest is assigned. By the end of this post, they each have 11 Prestige. [/hider]