Letting Belle use her shoulder as a means of support Serpentine struggled for the exit using the mirages as cover to avoid any confrontation with the zombiefied kids. There weren’t as many Serpentines’ as before, they were flickering out of existence like fireflies putting out their light for the night. Her miraculous’ frantic beeping slowed as well, the individual beep coming low, irregular, and quiet as if Ossar was a dying heart. He needed to be let out badly, but Serpentine needed him to hold on for just a little while longer. More and more teens and pre-teens were moving to stop the two girls, their counter mirages having gone out. Casting about in desperation Serpentine spotted an open window nearby, changing course and leading the other hero towards it. [color=ed1c24]“Look, we can escape there and get into the alley, there’s no making it to the door now, there’s too many of them.”[/color] Serpentine began running, often checking over her shoulder to ensure Belle was keeping up. However one of the glassy eyed teens realized what they were about and moved to block the window pane, he was wearing a karate GI, and stood in a fighting pose. [i]Uh oh, this means trouble.[/i] Serpentine thought, though not halting in her forward charge. Snatching ahold of her battle fans she leapt into action ahead of Belle diving straight for the karate teen, teeth bared in a ferocious snarl. The Gi donned kid maintained his impassive expression, neatly dodging her attack and allowing the snake themed hero to smash bodily into the window he’d previously closed. With the sound of shattering glass and a surprised yelp Serpentine tumbled through the broken portal landing clumsily on the concrete below. Struggling to regain her footing Serpentine waited, desperately hoping the bunny-themed hero would make it through as well. Inside the karate kid squared off against Belle, wisely taking up a more solid defense of the window, not wanting to lose another opponent by mistake again. ~*~ These children were proving far more frustrating than he’d originally accounted for. Rouge-Bat swatted aside a mirage, his clawed gloves raking through the image of light and sound causing it to crumple and vanish. Catching sight of the approach wires from Furitta’s gauntlets he reached out with shocking speed, snatching them in his mighty hands as they shot towards him, holding them secure. [color=fff200]“I’ve had enough of these childish games, give me your miraculouses or else!”[/color] Pushing aside two minions the masked menace preformed a powerful bound, complete with a half flip midair as he extended his booted legs to attach to the roof. Thus positioned Rouge-Bat strode purposely over the tumultuous battlefield that was Luna’s Lunar Lounge towards Furitta and Talon, still holding the wires in his hand. Reaching the makeshift stone wall Rouge-Bat dropped from his upside-down position over its peak landing like a cat a few meters from the two heroes. [color=fff200]“You have no idea what you’ve been given.” [/color]Rouge-Bat accused, his eyes flicking across the room to where Serpentine just crashed through the window. He’d have to deal with those other two later. [color=fff200]“Listen to me, the power you now possess isn’t yours to keep, surrender it to me, and I will ensure it remains safe. Away from those who will misuse it. So don’t force my hand, I will go as far as I need too to take them.”[/color]