[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180319/e73e196b396445c1e9e4e0f1441e26cc.png [/img][h3]Ba Sing Se, Outside Eight Path Prison.[/h3] [@Rokoran][/center] [hr] [color=f7941d]“Wait a moment.” [/color]Huo followed suit beside Zhen staring up at the five meter tall walls of the prison. Despite the commotion, her thoughts were firmly locked on the Fire Islander standing next to her, shock resonating throughout her entire being. Keeping her voice just loud enough for Zhen to hear it over the clanging bell and shouting guards, Huo spoke rapidly, barely able to keep her excitement contained. [color=f7941d]“You’re from Fire, you’re looking for the Avatar and you despise An as well?”[/color] Her face glowed with the cheerful glee of a child who contained an important secret and who could barely keep from giving it away at once. It would seem that her good fortune still held despite her earlier concerns to the contrary. This chance meeting was a clear testament to that. [color=f7941d]“Would you believe me, if I told you I was after the exact same things? Cause, I am.” [/color]Huo winked at her fellow Fire Islander, delighted to have a potential ally on her quest. Although, he’d probably possess differing intentions in regards to the Avatar’s destiny, but she’d light that fire when she came to it. [color=f7941d]“Maybe we could help each other out. I like your reasoning after all, but surely An wouldn’t keep important prisoners and informants locked up in a rundown bender prison in the lower ring. They’d be kept where it’s easier to secure them in the inner ring. Away from potential riots or peasant revolts. I’m Huo by the way, uh, just Huo. Anyway, I’ve got a plan to sneak into the inner ring during the coronation ceremonies when most of his army will be distracted at the main gates with the crowds. Maybe you could come with me, I just need to find a…. Is that….?”[/color] Atop the prison walls a small group of escapees had gathered. Three in total they stood defiantly in a ragged line, watching something Huo couldn’t see. Their presence alone was unremarkable, it was in fact the means by which two of them surmounted the obstacle that enraptured Huo. “Those two are air benders.” She hissed, pointing towards the trio on the wall. Somehow they’d stumbled upon perhaps the one prison in all of Ba Sing Se that contained air benders. Huo couldn’t hardly believe her luck that night. She needed to play a game of high stakes dice before this streak of good fortune expired. [color=f7941d]“Listen, can you hear that?”[/color] Sure enough the faint beat of running ostrichorses could be made out over the other ambient noise. [color=f7941d]“They must be cut off from that way, but…. But we could clear a path here. There’s not so many guards. What do you say, um…?” [/color] She paused, hoping he'd give his name and agree to her crazy plan. Which ironically was the same insane scheme she'd been denouncing as foolish only moments before.