"Seriously we are not in this stupid city five minutes and it's under attack. Screw the stupid file I don't need to know that badly. Let's get out of here. There are other ways to find out who destroyed your village." G & Liollmon ducked out the back of the cafe. A stampede of terrified Digimon ran into G knocking her down. "G!" Liollmon helps G up and notices the cut on her forehead. "We should get that looked at before we leave." G was about to storm after the stampede and give them a piece of her mind and a boot up their ass but Liollmon stopped her. "Come on G." G grunts. They go up a fire escape. G can clearly see a masked man fighting with a person clearly holding some kind of device. "For fucks sake. The Digidestined are attacking the city and each other. Clearly they have a great ability to lie their asses off." She blows a raspberry. "Heroes my ass." They search in every direction for the hospital. Liollmon was the first to spot it. "Might need to take the long way. The 'heroes' are fighting each other in the direct direction of the hospital." G went back down the fire escape, Liollmon followed her not quite sure what was going to happen now, he never seen her this angry before.