[hr][color=silver][indent][indent]While Serge went on with his inquiries, the Wu leaned back in his chair, relaxed. He didn't seem to be so much listening as he was paying attention to anything suspicious and mentally discarding the rest. He rested his interlocked hands on his gut, just below the chest, as he said, [color=white]"Now, you don't seem like the inexperienced type, so I hoped I wouldn't have to say this. And now I have to say, I'm afraid that isn't how this works. Once you get the asset, we'll arrange for a meet on our terms. That's all you need to know. Do we have a de--"[/color] A metallic click onto the table cut the client's sentence short, as eyes turned toward Jack. A mechanical hand gripped at one of her sinister-looking knives, pressing it to the table in the Wu's direction. [color=white]"I believe my partner here asked you a simple set of questions,"[/color] she said in her low metallic rasp, with cold eyes piercing straight through the man's gaze. Her fingers dragged across the plastic top of the table in a barely audible scrape as she gripped the threatening blade tighter in readiness. His reply: a laugh. It bubbled up slowly after a moment of his intense stare upon the cybered woman, quickly rising to a hearty chortle. When she opened her mouth to speak, his right hand snapped upward, flat, and level with his head. In that motion, several bodies in black clothes rose from their seats among the restaurant, and two more stepped in through the front door. Each one sported varying levels of chrome and muscle, but each wore a hefty chip on their shoulder and directed threatening stares toward the team. [color=white]"No, please, do continue on. I'm all ears, Miss,"[/color] he prodded with a shit-eating grin pasted onto his face. The moment after drew too long, as patrons started to notice and get chillingly quiet. All eyes were on their table and the goons set up all around them. Jack's jaw clenched. She wasn't one to back down from a threat. Especially not from a scum-sucking lowlife like this. But eventually, whether her team pleaded her to or not, she swallowed her pride. She turned the blade around on her palm and tucked it back into her sleeve, easing back into her chair and acting like it never happened. [color=white]"A wise decision there,"[/color] the Wu sniggered to himself as he lowered his arm. The goons retracted just as soon, but remained very attentive to the conversation. Some of the patrons went back to their business, though going a bit faster with their food than before. A couple tables of people slipped away about as soon as the muscle relaxed, not at all willing to risk another upstart like that. As people shuffled out, the Wu leaned over the table and extended an open hand to Serge. [color=white]"I think that means we have a deal then, don't we?"[/color] he said, that irritating grin still played across his face. [/indent][/indent][/color][hr]