[center][url=fontmeme.com][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180331/f6eee853310fda208c11be6cfb1d1e99.png[/img][/url] [h2]On the Road to the Prison[/h2] [i][color=#333333]Colour: #ED1111[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [quote=@Dusty][color=f7941d]"Wait a moment."[/color] ... [color=f7941d]“You’re from Fire, you’re looking for the Avatar and you despise An as well?”[/color] ... [color=f7941d]“Would you believe me, if I told you I was after the exact same things? Cause, I am.” [/color] ... [color=f7941d]“Maybe we could help each other out. I like your reasoning after all, but surely An wouldn’t keep important prisoners and informants locked up in a rundown bender prison in the lower ring. They’d be kept where it’s easier to secure them in the inner ring. Away from potential riots or peasant revolts. I’m Huo by the way, uh, just Huo. Anyway, I’ve got a plan to sneak into the inner ring during the coronation ceremonies when most of his army will be distracted at the main gates with the crowds. Maybe you could come with me, I just need to find a…. Is that….?”[/color] ... [color=f7941d]“Those two are air benders.”[/color] ... [color=f7941d]“Listen, can you hear that?”[/color] ... [color=f7941d]“They must be cut off from that way, but…. But we could clear a path here. There’s not so many guards. What do you say, um…?”[/color][/quote] Zhen had to wince at the point about the Inner Ring. He wasn't anywhere near used to Ba Sing Se - more than one prison in the same city? Hadn't even crossed his mind. On the other hand, apparently the spirits were with him. Because [i]of course[/i] they were, now that he was searching for the Avatar. At least he had an ally, now. Much to his surprise, he found his lips quirking up. How long had it been since he had enjoyed the company of anyone from Fire? Stone and ash, even the ship's crew, the trader's caravan, he'd only [i]tolerated[/i], and they were Earth! Ren had been a blessing, but other than him... Well, best take the opportunity while it was there. [color=#ED1111]"Zhen. Yeah, if you're up for it - how good are you on the offence? I'm assuming you know Mountain? I'm better at Dr - [i]Wave[/i], so I should probably focus on defending, if you want to split it that way."[/color] Almost unconsciously, his stance straightened; limbs loosened as he rolled his shoulders, lifting slightly onto the balls of his feet before dropping back down again, checking his readiness. Rooting was important, but Dragon Style emphasised the [i]flow[/i]. Above all else, you had to be smooth. Ironic, given he hadn't had an actual friend for... it must have been seven years now, and even then the fact he'd had to hide his firebending had made him more or less a drifter on the edge of the little cliques. A year or so ago, he'd have scowled at that, and two further before it would have pulled a snarl out of him, but a memory of the old lizard rose unbidden - a chiding nudge with one knuckle, claw curled carefully away, an amused huff of breath ruffling his hair. [i]You must learn to[/i] let go. Smiling quietly, Zhen felt the fire begin to blaze within, heat coiling in his gut. He'd never actually fought anyone with firebending, not properly. And despite the danger, despite the chaos of stumbling into things without more than the barest semblance of a plan... he found himself looking forward to it. [hr] [i]Fire burns [b]now[/b]. Be in the moment, and let it carry you.[/i] - Zhen Long