[@LuckyBlackCat][@Cerces22][@Zarkun][@Dusksong] [h3][color=c4df9b]March 7th, 2020[/color][/h3] [b][color=fff79a]15:00 Local Time[/color][/b] The last few days had been hard on everyone. As promised, they ran twice a day in the bitter cold, even the trainers from the Pokemon world, at least most of them. Professor Rowan had spoken with them, strongly encouraging them to participate in all activities with their planet Earth counterparts. Even still, a handful of Pokemon world trainers (5 to be exact) were not very cooperative. The most out spoken of the group was easily a young lady named [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHpj8pD-gr5lC_9mRdg1Y0D0izW9C0Bw3uK3fwHZRCNFQddWDZ]Julia[/url] who refused to leave the main facility for any reason at all, nevertheless a three mile run. As the group arrived back from their first jog of the day, she sat in the lobby, bundled up underneath a cozy brown blanket watching something on a tablet. A few people were lagging behind, leaving the door open longer than she would have liked. [b]"O! M! G! Can you people shut that damn door already!?"[/b] A loud argument erupted immediately between her and another girl. [b]"Shut your ugly face! At least you have the option to stay behind!"[/b] The second girl was from Earth. She complained the loudest every time they went for a run. Honestly, the two girls were more alike than not, but that didn't mean they had to get along. The sound of a gunshot and breaking glass snapped them out of it. Surprised, everyone looked over to where the sound came from. A few feet to the left of the main doorway, Sergeant Sokolov stood with his gun pointed out a window and down to the ground. The last of the stragglers walked through the doorway very cautiously. As if nothing had happened, he put away his gun and began to speak, [b]"Okay, today we have new plan."[/b] Just then, Professor Rowan busted through the double doors that led to the medical wing (also the laboratory wing). [b]"What in the world was that!?"[/b] Slowly, silently, heads began to turn toward Sergeant Sokolov. Without a word, the man shrugged his shoulders as if to ask, "What?". Professor Rowan shook his head in disappointment, but then, after a deep sigh, continued speaking. [b]"No matter, I suppose. Alright then everyone. I was going to wait until after lunch, but since I'm here now, I have an exciting announcement to make. Our new Pokedexes have arrived! I'll be handing them out after lunch. And that's not all. With the help of this new technology, we're going to go searching for Pokemon!"[/b] After the surprise announcement, Professor Rowan exited from the way he came, but not before shooting a serious look over to Sergeant Sokolov. A faint smile flickered across Sokolov's face but only for a second. [b]"Do not think you not run today!"[/b] He said, addressing the excited crowd. [b]"We look for Pokemon, AND we run!"[/b] [color=fff79a][b]3 Hours Later... 18:10 (Local Time)...[/b][/color] In the main lobby, Professor Rowan walked everyone through the features on their new Pokedex. It was basically a glorified satellite phone, designed to work in any environment, even underground. The greatest feature about the device was definitely the area scanning feature. With direct access to other Pokedexes and a link to the internet, the device could give advice on which direction to travel. [b]According to the data:[/b] about 20 miles to the South East, Clefairy sightings were confirmed by locals up in the mountains. 10 miles to the north, there were unconfirmed reports of some kind of ICE-type Pokemon near the large lakes. 12 miles to the south, Paras sightings were confirmed sporadically across the land. 6 miles to the west and slightly south, wild Stantler were spotted in small heards walking across fields. And in nearly all directions, wild Foongus were spotted close by to bodies of water where the grounds were muddy. In most cases, there would be shuttle mini-busses to take them most of the way to their chosen destination. The only two exceptions being: one, the northern path to the unconfirmed ICE-type Pokemon, because there were no roads to take, and two, the Foongus, because there was no need; a few people even recalled seeing a Foongus on one of their runs. [b]"Oh, and one last thing."[/b] One of Professor Rowan's aids walked up beside him holding a large box. [b]"I have three Pokeballs for each of you. Should you find yourself lucky enough to be in throwing distance, feel free to give it a shot. It's simple, just push the expansion button and give it a toss. Maybe you'll get lucky and catch your first Pokemon. But now, the question remains. Which direction are we traveling? Let's take a vote. Put your hand up if..."[/b] ([b]Quick Note:[/b] [i]In the future, simply mention that you're scanning the area, and give a good description of your location, or give me exact coordinates to your character. I will respond with an IC post that has an "According to the data:" paragraph that shows where to travel to find nearby Pokemon.[/i])