[center][color=dimgray][b][u][h2]π•Ώπ–π–Š π•Ήπ–Žπ–Œπ–π–™ π–‚π–†π–™π–ˆπ– π•­π–Šπ–Œπ–Žπ–“π–˜[/h2][/u][/b][/color][/center] I'm drawing on a lot of inspirations here for this RP. Including, but not limited to [b]Shadow Hearts[/b] [b]Castlevainia[/b] [b]The Order 1886 [/b] [b]Arcanum[/b] and [b]BloodRayne[/b]. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/99/1f/ff/991ffff67113acf63284856731168479.jpg[/img] The game has a unique setting that draws upon traditional fantasy (elves, dwarves, magic and goblins) but also in a early 20th century European style world. For those of you interested in the [u][b]Frokane Multiverse[/b][/u] This RP will be set 500 years in the future of my Sword and Sorcery world and will take place in 1913 and follow a group of supernatural hunters called The Night Watch who hunt various fiends including vampires and demons in the world. The story starts when they all uncover a powerful artifact which allows them to transform into a deadly monster to increase their power in combat, but will they retain their humanity? [center][color=dimgray][b][u][h3]World Locations[/h3][/u][/b][/color][/center] [center][color=dimgray][b][u][h3]Terraxia 1913[/h3][/u][/b][/color][/center] [hider=The City Of Naveroth] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/04/46/b8/0446b85f278fbd2c0d0bbc77c69c8571.jpg[/img] In 500 years Naveroth has not changed much at all. The land is still said to be cursed, and although the City has embraced religion many know that the necromancers are still really in control of the land. This is where the Night Watch was formed, when ordinary people began to investigate the mysterious disappearances and murders themselves. Some pooled together money to hire mercenaries to investigate and some took up training to face the horrors themselves. [/hider] [hider=The Lost Empire of Roh] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b2/94/6d/b2946d9b1f76c6c1239446b25d40101d.jpg[/img] The Empire of Roh is no more. Once a thriving desert civilisation, it was wiped out by an unknown evil force of necromancy that is said to be tied to the ancient tombs that populate the land. Now these ruins are home to mad zealots and dangerous acolytes who seem to be in constant search for the power that the fallen empire once held. [/hider] [hider=The Chess Islands] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6e/c9/0a/6ec90a48c83a0f19b2a093ad591e5184.jpg[/img] Once a dangerous hideout island for pirates, the Chess Islands are now a a set of residential resort towns for the wealthy. It is known for its popular food and exciting festivals, but even in a town for the rich and powerful, the whispers of evil and monsters are still very common. [/hider] [hider=Saint Alvion's Swamp] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2f/e7/68/2fe768bcd2752a6f6034b42a1630d583.jpg[/img] WIP [/hider] [center][color=dimgray][b][u][h3]Character Sheets[/h3][/u][/b][/color][/center] [b]Name[/b] [b]Age[/b] [b]Height[/b] [b]Weight[/b] [b]Melee Weapon[/b] [b]Firearm/Ranged Weapon[/b] [b]Other Equipment[/b] [b]Hunting Specialty[/b] [b]Bio[/b] [s][b]Gemstone[/b][/s] [center][color=dimgray][b][u][h3]Enemy Types[/h3][/u][/b][/color][/center] [center][hider=Werewolves] [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/kerectusportal/images/0/06/Lycan.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141017121005[/img] The cursed beastmen of the night are fairly common in the dark forests that surround Naveroth. The first werewolf was spotted by a boar hunting party roughly 70 years ago, which some had theorised to be the first to infect and 'turn' others as the surviving member of the hunting party then became the alpha of his own pack and ended up destroying his own village. The werewolves are naturally fast, strong and extremely vicious, they do not need human flesh to survive but seem to enjoy devouring people anyway. The common werewolves are feral beasts by night and a drifting humans by day. They cant transform at will but it is not unheard of to see a human turn into a werewolf during daylight if his life is grave danger. The more uncommon werewolf, called the 'Alphas' can change at will, and retain a lot of intelligence and influence over others even in beast form. Despite being able to become human and resist transformation a lot of them remain in beast form as they prefer it. There has only been roughly 25 or so recorded Alhpha kills in the 70 years since they have been spotted. Highly dangerous. [/hider] [hider=Vampires] [img]http://cdn.empireonline.com/jpg/80/0/0/1000/563/0/north/0/0/0/0/0/c/features/584700a74a675c20091aac62/vampire.jpg[/img] The well known children of the night have been reportedly around in Naveroth for over 1000 years, but its only in the last 40 or so years (starting with an event ofmassive vampire attacks called 'the uprising') in which they have been a visible terror threat to humanity. Vampires are very hard to analyse as their attributes and abilities vary so much from individual to individual, but a few things remain constant. They all have enhanced strength and agility then they did as humans but this does not necessarily make them stronger and faster than every human. They cant be exposed to sunlight for any short amount of time. They also lack reflections and cant enter a civilian home without being invited but they can attack a hostile compound such as a military base. Some can fly, some have magical abilities and some can feast on non human blood without becoming weaker over time. They can mostly be killed by conventional means, only a few have true undead resistance in which they could only be killed by destroying the brain or heart. Many vampires live among humans and operate behind the scenes of society as aristocrats and criminal lords. There are also half human half vampires called Dhampnirs whos motivations seem to vary from person to person [/hider] [hider=Acolytes] [img]http://s3.gatheringmagic.com/uploads/2013/10/02/ML_56.jpg[/img] Not all humans resist the strange terrors of the night, some have come to embrace it. The Acolytes are said to have splintered from a fringe cultist movement in the chess Islands roughly 100 years ago and have been dabbling in the dark arts ever since. They are determined to become one with what they should fear, whether it be making deals with demons and witches or sacrificing themselves to vampires and werewolves, they are willing to pay the ultimate price to become 'embraced by the night'. The religion of the Acolytes is varied and complex, but almost all sects are violent, insane and dangerous. [/hider] [hider=Demons] [img]http://horrornews.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/demon-art-4.jpg[/img] Demons take so many forms its hard to say anything definitive about them apart from the fact they spawn from a realm of the underworld and every action of theirs is to subvert and ultimately undo the good of humanity. They are dangerous in many different ways, some are beast like who tear the flesh off the innocent in vicious raids. Some are cunning humanoids who lie and manipulate to undo societies, there are no demon 'experts' only survivors. [/hider] [hider=Witches] [img]https://artfiles.alphacoders.com/377/37780.jpg[/img] 'Witch' used to be a catch all term for any woman brazen enough to practice magic independently. But among the hunter's circles its something much more specific. The Witches are women who have delved too deep into a very toxic brand of black magic, the thirst for power is seductive, and black magic makes many promises, but also many demands. Practicing it for any long period of time takes a toll not only on the appearance of a woman but also her sanity, ultimately becoming a servant to the dark texts of their spell books or a slave to their deranged visions and prophecies. [/hider] [hider=Abominations] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/prototype/images/f/f2/Supreme-Concept-1-.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100813220931[/img] Magic plays no fault in the creation of these horrific beings, they are the fault of overly ambitious and sloppy science. The Abominations are the results of experiments on stray animals and unfortunate humans. Many of them die in these twisted labs, but the few who survive become something much much worse. They are said to live in constant pain, and attack people in the hope that someone can kill them and put them to rest once and for all. [/hider] [hider=The Undead] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/cc/c5/4b/ccc54bd70fe007bc8c34ffd78975efba.jpg[/img] No one is quite sure who raised the dead, but they seemed to have been a constant nuisance since the beginning of civilization. There are rumors of a dark order of shamans who brought them about over a millenia ago, but that is unconfirmed. The undead are generally slow, dull-witted and easy to dispatch when there aren't too many of them, but there are almost always too many of them. They instinctively travel together in large crowds and follow the scent of living flesh together. Their 'infection' seems to vary on person to person. [/hider] [/center]