[@OppositionJ] [hider=Eve Abramelin] [h1][center]Eve Abramelin[/center][/h1] [hider=Appearance][center][img] https://i.imgur.com/pPksDul.png [/img][/center][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Eve Rosaline-Abramelin [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Height:[/b] 5’4” [b]Weight:[/b] 130 lbs [b]Weapons:[/b] [hider=Hook of Abramelin][img]https://i.imgur.com/oXz3RWp.jpg[/img][/hider] Eve has been needing to defend herself for quite a long time now as she has made her way through life. On those rare life-threatening occasions where the young witch can’t avoid physical combat, she carries a luck charm that doubles as a weapon. Her ‘Hook of Abramelin’ is one of the last of her family’s heirlooms. Eve is by no means supposed to possess the hook, as it is meant to be used only ritualistically, but in a panicked state, Eve grabbed up the hook to defend herself when she finally fled the Acolytes in her hometown. Since then, she hasn’t put it down. [i]Witch's Hands[/i] With her extensive background in the dark arts, Eve did manage to pick up on a few of the more useful traditional aspects of folk magic. The practice of making ‘hands’ is a concept of rootworking involving using various powders and mixtures to create solutions to assist the rootworker. This manifests in Eve’s life via the use of dust bombs, burning powders, and makeshift explosive cocktails. [b]Other Equipment:[/b] Despite her slight aversion to working with the dark arts, Eve has always carried a ritual kit just in case she runs into a trouble only a witch could escape. Her kit contains a miscellaneous variety of anointing oils, powders, herbs, and other reagents she comes across. Alongside that, Eve never goes out to work without her mother’s cloak. Although its appearance may give away Eve’s knack for witchery, she wears it from time to time when a disguise may be more viable than her normal garb. [b]Skills:[/b] Eve has lived quite an eventful life, leading her to develop a host of rather practical skills for her unique circumstances. With her background in the dark arts, Eve has a tendency to use simplistic elements of witchcraft and black magic to ensure the world is on her side. This is most often seen through the use of charms and artifacts she can invoke spells with. Though most esoteric knowledge remains out of Eve’s grasp, the temptation to continue using the dark arts despite her line of work is always there. [b]Brief History:[/b] While on the surface the Chess Islands may appear perfectly safe, acting as an ideal environment to live in, what lies seeded in the Islands’ society couldn’t be more different. Born illegitimately, Eve found herself split between one of society’s underworld’s greatest divides. Unbeknownst to the young Eve for the greater part of her childhood, she was brought up between a powerful witch mother and a father who was well connected with a cell of Acolytes. Even despite their eternal connection, Eve’s parents weren’t the most cooperative pair. This divide was what ultimately lead Eve to discover the true nature of her origin. With neither of her parents wishing to bring Eve into their darker world so soon, it came down to happenstance that first introduced her to the lives of Witches and Acolytes. A greater propensity to be around the supernatural left Eve and her childhood friends in an interesting scenario. With no knowledge of the world beyond its mundane elements, Eve saw only darkness in the magic of her progenitors. As a young teen, she took up the practice of actively combatting the evils of these magical organizations. She was by no means a master witch hunter, but she did as much as a teenage girl with cursory knowledge of her targets could. Of course, Eve couldn’t hide her own hobbies from her parents just as they couldn’t keep their own secrets. It was during one of Eve’s investigations into the deeper workings of an Acolyte occultist ritual that she was caught and her father caught wind of what she was doing in her free time. This period of Eve’s life was wrought with a slew of invitations from her father. She was to become an Acolyte like him, but of course her mother had plans with an exact opposite end result. Admittedly, young Eve did dabble in both sides of the magical spectrum, be it witchcraft or the dark arts of the Acolytes, but her time with her parents’ organizations was short. Eve knew that the hunters of her sort were morally correct in the end. As she grew up, she grew more distant until eventually Eve had finally decided to break away from her familial ties before one parent tore the other apart. Her personal schism was not left alone without resistance, however. Eve became nothing more than a fugitive. In between running away from her family and fleeing from the punishments of her mother’s coven and her father’s cell, Eve began to live a life with no close allies. The only handful of folks she could trust were other witch hunters, since she saw them as being in a similar situation: without law or safety. Her little secret was only guarded so well, though, and it soon became prevalent that Eve tell no one of her past dabblings in witchcraft and black magic. Eve did go on to guide herself as something of a successful witch hunter, though. Finding herself drifting from town to town around Naveroth and its neighboring cities, she took up gambling and card playing as a perfect way to exploit her skills for profit, and that was all she needed to fuel the life she wanted: exploring the esoteric and keeping her pursuers from her back. [/hider]