[@Dynamo Frokane] [center] [hider=Alkerman 'Al' Caine] 25 5'10 168 [hider=Appearance] (In Gear) [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/d37d/i/2012/292/b/0/cyborg_gunslinger_by_darkmatteria-d5i9kkx.jpg[/img] (Unmasked) [img]https://img0.etsystatic.com/112/0/11259639/il_340x270.872064102_4i4x.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u][b]Weapons[/b][/u] [hider=Sunset Revolver Custom] A Pistol of Alkerman's creation used to kill the undead. It fires a range of ammunition including, magnesium, silver, rune metal and hollow point. Engineered to misfire if anyone but Al himself uses it. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5e/93/fb/5e93fbef3c53d9a140e9cc1fbc0c3906.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Clara & Ramna] A pair of rune infused brass knuckles that are charged with magic energy. Enough so Al can damage and stun supernatural enemies on contact. Does need occasional charging, named after the blacksmith's two daughters who were killed by werewolves. [img]http://popkeychain.com/image/cache/brass/010-6yuan/main1-800x800.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][u]Other Equipment[/u][/b] A small hunting knife, mainly used as a tool. A pack of 30 Iron Caltrops for pursuers. A Vial of Holy Water 2 Sticks Of Dynamite A Lasso Rope made of witches hair. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] Born in the vast wild wastes of Roh, Al had to adapt to the cutthroat gunslinger lifestyle just as quickly as everyone else. He was an orphan raised in a chapel, but as soon as he turned 12, he stole a pistol and used it to hunt down a stagecoach robber that he found on a wanted poster. With the reward money he used to leave the Wild Waste of Roh and begin work in the capital as bounty hunter. The skills he developed were impressive for his age and he became one of the most feared in the Province. Before long, he began to wonder more about his birth and his parents so after some investigation at the Chapel he discovered although his Mother was a Rohish merchant, his father was from Naveroth and a member of the occult, who killed his mother shortly after he was born when she refused to join the order. With that information Alkerman has been in Naveroth learning as much as he can about the Occult and the crimes they commit. Still working as a bounty hunter, the nature of his targets have become something he could have never imagined. He operates outside of the Night's Watch guild, so is technically a criminal which is why he stays masked. Although his bounty hunting has saved more than a few lives, so no one is in a rush to turn him in. [/hider] [/center]