[@Vistruction] [hider=Talia] [hider=Character Sheet] [h1][center]Talia Deborreh[/center][/h1] [hider=Image] [img]http://www.freneticarts.com/files/images/dvd/Guerre__Paix__2034/FA_image_00070411.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Taliah Anna Hozar-Deborreh [b]Age:[/b] Doesn't look a day pass 25. In reality she's pushing 58. [b]Height:[/b] 5'7" [b]Weight:[/b] 145 lbs. [b]Weapons/Equipment:[/b] [b]Ranged[/b] • Dual engraved revolvers. [hider=My Dual Pistols] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ac/db/df/acdbdf5230566035425e63775f56e551--penny-dreadfull-hemlock-grove.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Melee[/b] • Twin rope darts: Her primary melee weapon, a pair of small knives attached to thin reinforced ropes. The ropes are attached to a pair of bracers. • Two daggers for close quarter fighting. • An array of throwing knives. [hider=Twin Roped Darts][i][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131110170210/irlsao/images/thumb/3/36/Rope-dart-on-black-700.jpg/500px-Rope-dart-on-black-700.jpg[/img][/i][/hider] [b]Hunting Outfit[/b] [hider=Outfit] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ea/b6/ba/eab6ba8150cf96d85ad3c2847c7ed025.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Skills/Hunting Speciality:[/b] Acolytes & Witches Taliah has had dealings in the past with the magical arts and as a Dhampnirs herself, has an affinity to track those who delve too deeply and too greedily into the poisonous throngs of magik. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] [i]"I am whatever I need to be." -Taliah Deborreh[/i] [b]Brief History:[/b] Although rare, but not on heard of, Taliah is the byproduct of her mother Merina's more notorious sexcapades. Merina is a wealthy and highly influential vampiress that resides in the Chess Islands. Her annual balls are infamous for all manner of debouchery that occurs. It was during one of this balls that Taliah was conceived. Her father, although wealthy, was nothing special and as such was never permitted to have anything to do with the child. Taliah is certain that even if he had been allowed by Merina, he wouldn't have wanted to. Coupling with a vampire was frowned upon, after all, even in the more progressive circles of society. Taliah grew up in the Chess Island providence being groomed to be a business woman like her mother. However, she had no aspiration to follow in Merina's footsteps and only went along with it because of her mother's insistence. When word reached Taliah that her father had passed away, she insisted on going to his funeral despite her mother's disapproval. During the visit her extended family attempted an assassination on her life - due to the shame she had brought the Hozar family line tainting it with vampiric blood. Despite having been warned of the world's disposition to vampires by her mother, Taliah had been naive and foolish in thinking she could fit in. The assassination attempt opened her eyes and cause her to seek out training. She sent word to famous hunters and scholars to train and teach her, offering them a hefty sum of money much to her mother's disapproval. She spent several years training under sever hunters but her affinity to detect magic made her extremely useful when it came to hunting witches and acolytes. [/hider] [/hider]