[@YourDarkPriest] As long as you put effort into your posts and they are more than two paragraphs, I'm fine with it. [@May96] Ulterior motives are fine, but keep in mind this is an official, secretive party from the Duke's court, so it is highly unlikely he would send a member of royalty on an adventure such as this. So if you want to play a character like that, her identity would be unknown to her fellow party-members and she may have joined the expedition secretly and/or under a different identity. [@Bazmund] I like the character a lot, especially with your mention of the hermetic arts! I'm still going to wait for more character apps to come in before I accept any to give everyone a fair shot, but I think Grimm will likely end up a nice addition to the RP. [@Chicken] Interesting! This is a neat concept, but its up to you if you want to roll with this or a more knightly character. I'm sure either will be fun. [@Rosalind] Noted!