[quote=@Emma] So in this world, is it in anyway post apocalyptic [i]like[/i] Waterword. Is there slavery? Are there food and fresh water shortages? Are there people fighting over what little fertile land there is? I'm assuming because of the medieval tag that there are no guns, or electricity? Is there a religion, or any kind of cult within this world? Is the majority of civilization living life in the slums kind of way, while those with power are...not? Personally I am a fan of the movie Waterworld, and like the basic concept of it. Though it was in need of some heavy edits, and more realistic ideas. The Anime Gargantia on the verdurous planet is the only waterworld esqe anime I've seen... I have some characters that I previously made for a few other adventure RP, and one that was made specifically for a water world RP. I would love to use one of them again, of course once they are edited to fit this RP. [/quote] I put the medieval tech mainly because it will be more fantasy fare, though I suppose steampunk may have been a better tag. Swords and sorcery are more common due to ancient technology being “lost” but it has been 1600 or so years since this catastrophe and researchers and scientists are finding new ways to adapt ancient technology with the new world. The big difference with waterworld and this rp is that it’s not simply a sci-fi “flooded world” story. The world is magically changed, with giant waterfalls separating the shallow seas from deeper seas. Almost as if the planets plates are shifted up at places. Also, there IS land, but it’s just not a lot of land. The story begins in the southern seas where there are many small islands; but that’s the issue: there’s not a LOT of land. Pirates, slavery, all the nasty bad stuff does exist. And if people want to pitch evil cults for the world I’m down to work that into the lore as well.