Shatter simpled huffed and dutifully followed everyone back to the guild. While she did have fun skewering those knights, she felt that they could have even more fun if they went back and finished the job. Like a child who doesn't want to end their playtime, Shatter felt sour the whole walk back, occasionally wandering off to cut down some trees and kill small creatures that couldn't escape her, like worms and ants. Eventually they arrived to the guild hall which was bustling with life and made Shatter eager to pick a fight. Particularly with the one known as Bart. "You! You're Bart? I need a quest! Something that needs killing!" Shatter called out in a deep bellowing tone. She pointed a finger at him accusingly, which would've looked intimidating if Feast hadn't awoken from her nap. Only those nearby could see the blue ghost lounging on the shoulders of the knight. "Hello Guildmaster. My name is Feast, and this eager young girl is Shatter. Please don't mind her attitude, she gets like that when she's bored. Cattiness aside she's a sweet girl." [@PaulHaynek]