[@Girlie1Bomba] Legit concerns! :D Honestly I'm feeling out how to implement some of the cooler concepts of the FATE rpg system without actually using a rpg system, haha. So definitely I'll be changing around some wording and loosening up how it's set up now, especially following your advice. I can't see any player going out of their way to call on another person's character's aspects all at once just for the sake of it, honestly -- especially in the Advanced forum, where players generally know better. If a player seems to be abusing the system somehow, I'd certainly put a stop to it. The ultimate goal with this is to give the players a clear method of interacting with and creating stories among themselves, instead of just interacting with the GM. An example of what I mean, using Danny's CS: a PC might horribly break a rule that Danny stands by, thus forcing him to punish the PC -- but they then try to weasel their way out of it by giving him a logical way to let the PC go while still following the rules, thus calling on his "No Mercy but No Cruelty" aspect. This is the player's [i]intention[/i] with their actions, but it doesn't [i]have[/i] to succeed. Maybe Danny's having a bad day and punches them anyway. Another example: a PC shines a bright light on Ozzy to make him go away, thus calling on his "Spinsters are not fans of bright lights" aspect. Ozzy can very well stand his ground, but again the acknowledgment of the aspect is there and the player would likely give a good reason why he resists it.