For review~ [hider=Anemone] [center][img][/img][/center] [b][color=fff200]Name:[/color][/b] Anemone "Anne" Maiden [b][color=fff200]Age:[/color][/b] 17 [b][color=fff200]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=fff200]Height:[/color][/b] 5'7" [b][color=fff200]Build:[/color][/b] Athletic (at least for a teen) [b][color=fff200]Digivice Color:[/color][/b] Yellow [b][color=fff200]Personality:[/color][/b] Anemone has a bit of a tomboyish streak to her, which mainly manifests itself through hyper-competitiveness, and a sense of curiosity that drags her around by the nose. The girl is a something of a low-key show-off, wanting others to be impressed with her and the things she can do. It's validation, for her, to have people look up to her and praise her--a side effect of this is that she's very willing to help out with most anything, to gain the admiration of those she helps. All this tends to lead to her being on the reckless side of things, acting first and asking questions later (Was it really a good idea to cannonball off that bridge with a dozen people watching? Did that girl [i]actually[/i] deserve such a hard punch to the nose?) in an attempt to be the first to do things and to not be shown up. She's not particularly outgoing or loud-mouthed, and is actually more on the awkward side when dealing with people; while she does genuinely enjoy interacting with others, she can't help but feel shy, though she pushes through it, sometimes coming off as a bit of a bumbling dork as a result (to her dismay). When she feels strongly about something, she can ignore this softer-spoken side of hers and make her point heard. The confidence and self-assuredness she gives off is something of a front, made to deal with her insecurities--the last thing she wants is to fail, especially in front of others. While she can avoid thinking about such things normally, after the fact--when she realizes that she's failed and made a fool of herself--it hits her [i]hard[/i]. She worries far more about what people think of her than is healthy, and can't stand even the thought that others may see her as weak and incapable. When push comes to shove, she'll fight until she can no longer move, if only to avoid the stinging shame of failure. All-in-all, Anemone's a genuine and hard-working person, who tries to make friends with everyone (at first, at least--she isn't too afraid with making an enemy out of someone who's pissed her off, but she does try to avoid it), which helps save her from coming off as obnoxious and self-absorbed when she otherwise might. She's also surprisingly level-headed, for how she acts--she usually [i]knows[/i] what she's doing might be a bad idea, but she goes through with it anyways. [b][color=fff200]Backstory:[/color][/b] Born in Toronto, Canada as the oldest of three siblings, Anemone's been an adventurous go-getter from a young age. Often forced by her parents to drag around her younger brothers, she learned to be a leader of sorts, pushing them to improve themselves in whatever they did so she had better competition to beat. The sibling rivalries were strong in her family, and fed her competitive nature, driving Anemone to become an overachiever. No where is this more exemplified than in her volleyball play, in which she is impressive enough to play at a national level, with an attitude that has earned her the team captain role on every group she's played with. Her main focus in life has essentially always been volleyball. For it, her grades have never been the best, and neither has her social life (beyond having the 'awe' of some of her classmates, her only real friends have been teammates, and--predictably--conversations with them are most often about volleyball). Beginning to near the end of high-school, Anemone has begun to panic a little about her future. While she may be good at volleyball, she doesn't believe she's quite at the level needed to make a living off of the sport. Knowing this time of her life is inevitably going to come to an end, the girl's begun scrambling to do better in school, and to try to discover something she'd like to do as a career, but as of yet nothing has even remotely clicked. Terrified of losing her 'extraordinary' status, the girl accepted a strange offer to be a part of Project F, without even remotely fully understanding what it was--simply the thought of being one of the special ones selected was enough to convince her. [center] ~ [b]X[/b] ~ [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [b][color=fff200]Digimon:[/color][/b] Terriermon [b][color=fff200]Digimon Name:[/color][/b] Aero [b][color=fff200]Personality:[/color][/b] Somewhat of a goofball, Aero is a fun digimon to be around. His sense of humour is often off-beat, leading to strangely timed, humorous outbursts. Otherwise, Aero is actually quite collected, just with a strong playfulness to his personality. Similarly to Anemone, Aero is of a competitive sort, absolutely despising losing and possessing the same nigh insane refusal to give up. Despite this, even in fights and competition, his playful nature still comes through in the form of silly quips and one-liners. If a foe can actually get him to shut up, it means Aero is quite worked up and a terrifying force to be reckoned with. [b][color=fff200]Digivolution Line |[/color][/b] [list] [*] Fresh: [url=]Zerimon[/url] [*] In-Training: [url=]Gummymon[/url] [*] Rookie: [url=]Terriermon[/url] [*] Champion: [url=]Gargomon[/url] [*] Ultimate: [url=]Rapidmon[/url] [*] Mega: [url=]Fujinmon[/url][/list] [b][color=fff200]Other:[/color][/b] - Anemone's brothers are twins and just under two years younger than her. - She has a weakness for 'cute' things, though she does her best not to let it show. - Another thing she makes sure to keep on the down-low is her fear of darkness. It makes her more than a little uncomfortable. - She's broken her bones surprisingly few times, considering the risks and tumbles she's taken in her life. - Usually introduces herself as 'Anne,' since it's proven to be much easier for people to remember and pronounce than 'Anemone.' [/hider]