[hr] [b]Martha Waters[/b] [hr] Martha headed down the ally, and considered transforming and starting her planning now, but she figured she didn't quite need that kind of extra time just yet. No, she'd had her general strategy for a while now. They key, that she thought a lot of people missed out on, was there was no incentive to actually fight, besides in self defense. All she needed to do, would be to wait out until the very end, when others had grown exhausted and then strike. Was it sportsman like? of course not. But she didn't come here to have fun, she came here to win. Stick to the public eye once the Hex Night started, lay low, and if she had to end up on her own, hole up, defend, and wait for a chance to get back among the muggles. She made her way to the end, crossing into a quieter part of the city, secluded enough to her liking. It was a small street, wedged between two buildings, with exits on either ends leading out to main roads. She exhaled, knowing that conflict, one way or another, may very well end up being inevitable, especially given that she was American. There was a certain home field advantage to this competition, in that she definitely stuck out like a sore thumb, where as she wouldn't have any way to identify the magical girls who already lived here, unless they were parading around in their transformed state that was. Martha absolutely loved this chance to show off and play essentially what was high stakes chess. Ironically, she never actually enjoyed chess. It was far too structured for her. Sure, she could make her regular plans and know exactly what steps to take to win, but real time strategy games were just so much more appealing to her. In chess, it doesn't matter who's fighting who, a pawn can take a queen, and there's nothing logic or reason can say against that. But in the real world, power is not so easily taken away, relative power was a major factor and made engagements far more interesting. That was why she always gathered information before a fight. If she knew her enemy, not only would that be one more advantage to have, but she knew if a direct attack had any likelihood of working in the first place. She did hope she'd get a chance to watch some good fights, and in service of that, she decided that scouting out a good vantage point, one that would let her flee into the public if need be, would be a good idea. She stepped towards the building across from her, an apartment complex, and tried to see if the door in was locked.L Luckily, it wasn't, and led into a stairwell, on which she began her trek to the top. As she expected, roof access was locked, but to magical girl, that wasn't much of an issue. She briefly transformed, and forced the door open with her considerable strength, before transforming back. She sat herself down on the roof, and looked out to the main street in front of her, lying low enough to not get noticed. It really was a pretty site, looking down at the city from up here. She took a moment to appreciate it, taking this as a pleasant calm before the oncoming storm.