[i][color=ed1c24]*Wait is that lady a fox? Holy... So there's a guy who can turn into a Rabbit and now a old ghost lady who is a fox? Wow Japan is seriously wweeiirrdd! But I got to admit, Yumi-Bunny trying to protect me is cute, he's scared though! Wait did I just say cute? Really? Why do I think that! Hey writer people why do I think that?! [color=7bcdc8]No clue, well maybe a clue but I'm not telling you! Just go with it! And stop asking me stuff... It's weird to answer you like this..[/color] Oh fine! Be that way!*[/color][/i] Deadpool had been talking to the voices in his head when Yumi stood in front of him, shacking and clearly terrified. Getting up Deadpool patted Yumi on the shoulder and pulled him back a bit, so they were side by side. "Sooo Fox-Ghost-Lady, what this about Gods? Do you know Thor?! I haven't met him but he sounds hilarious! Oh and who is Kitsoon? [i][color=7bcdc8]*Kistune DP*[/color][/i] Oh right Kistune? Are they the Car Guys that hired me and told me nothing at all? That was not cool of them. [i][color=ed1c24]*Is there a reason they want this guy? Am I in a war?! Wait don't tell me I want to see if this Ghost-Fox-Lady will tell me!*[/color][/i] "Oh and ugh.. Yumi-Bunny ya don't need to be so protective! I'm a Merc-With-A-Mouth, fights are literally what I do for a living! So, step back kay?" Deadpool said closing his eyes and giving Yumi another pat but this time on his head. ([b]OOC:[/b] I changed my posts a bit. Just colored Deadpool's 4th Wall Breaks so they are easier to see =3 Went with the first Red since I mean his suit is Red, made sense to me lol XD [i][color=ed1c24]*Does this Red make my Butt look big?? Or make me look weird? Maybe it's too dark, I don't know.. Other Guy! What do you think? Is Darshadow right on this color?![/color][/i]