[hider=Vox] Name: Vox Ki type: Balanced Appearance: [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/2zdp30m.jpg[/IMG] Personality: kind and helpful Vox has learned much from his time as part of the Z-fighters led by the legendary Pan Satan the most powerful human to ever exist. Allegiance: Lawful Neutral Grade: Senior Powerlevel: 750,000 Fighting Style: Balanced Class: Tank/Support Age:18 Strength and Weaknesses: Vox is a passive creature but when fighting is necessary, he will absorb large amounts and damage and use the energy he has absorbed to heal and/or buff his allies abilities and stats. This means he is excellent Defensively but mediocre offensively. Gender: Male Weapons: A green and blue katana he always wears on his back Race: Namekian School: Crane Bio:(I'll develop in IC) [/hider]