[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/328935245627916288/434729664850952202/Logo.png[/img] [colour=#B6316C]The Patron of Rebellion[/colour] [/center][hr] Lasis stood up slowly from her meditation, thinking of the conflicts of the gods and their attacks and praises of each other. So far she had remained out of the way, but she had to act eventually. She grabbed her book, detaching it from the strap and lifting it up. Opening the tome, she then began to read. She read for a brief few minutes of various things, before reaching with her free hand into the book. With some strain, she began to pull something from the pages. It was hard work. She worked at it, straining herself, making sure to get it perfect. Just then, the resistance against her tugging suddenly gave way, and he arm flew up, pulling out a [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/c08e/f/2014/067/4/5/stonegolem_by_sandrorybak-d79dvfr.jpg]golem.[/url] The golem fell to the floor, looking around in a confused manner. She looked at the golem, raising her golden eyebrows in a friendly manner, before implanting instructions within its mind. The golem was never to follow the social order. It would travel from place to place, creating art and innovating where it saw need. Should it be demanded to submit to an authority, it would refuse, under any circumstances. It would aid those who would rebel against their social order, should it see good in the rebel. All of these were its instructions. She reached into her book again, and then again. Each time she pulled out a different golem, all made roughly in her image. Each one recieved the same instructions, and they milled around for a bit before moving on, following their instincts. They each went in a different direction, one into the tunnels, one to each cardinal direction, and one last one stayed in place, seeing the need in the area for art. The last golem frolicked with the faeries, and, after conjuring up their own brush and paints using the residual power of their creation, began to paint on the walls of the fortress of the gods. [hider=Summary] Lasis' first act of creation, painter golems! They travel around as big rebels and make art. -2 MP to create multiple painter golems Level up! 2 MP remaining, Level 2 [/hider]