[b]"P-Please mis-"[/b] The twelve year old slapped the young teen across the face again as she tried to apologize - it was obvious that she was becoming increasingly violent and frustrated with the slave. She glanced over at her friend, and seeing the spill in the lap only fueled her more. She'd make sure her friend knew she was valued. A couple more slaps followed, and as the slave began to raise her arms protectively she'd find herself getting kicked in the shin, falling to the floor in pain. [b]"You wanna spill my feast? Huh?"[/b] The twelve year old picked the teens limp body up as she trembled. [b]"Then you'll [i]be it.[/i]"[/b] Zarva sunk her fangs into the slave's throat, who squealed in pain for several seconds until she was dropped to the ground again, with two small puncture wounds piercing her throat as noble towered over her. [b]"NOW GET OUT!"[/b] The slave was busy nursing her wounds, but an encouraging kick convinced her to obey orders as she began to scramble from the room. Zarva looked at her dearest friend again, licking her lips. [b]"Apologies for her incompetency - it seems her blood is more competent than she is ..."[/b] With a slight cough, the girl spoke sweetly again. [b]"Anyways, I'm sure me and my father would love to hear you sing!"[/b] Zarva looked on excitedly at her friend.