[u][b]Markle, Indiana Highway 3 bridge[/b][/u] "Her eyes," Robert remarked to Harkness as he recovered from the shock of his first real encounter with a devoted member of the cult, "She had to be utterly insane. And what was she babbling about? Abominations and Ug-Qualtoth? I mean I've seen some crazy things in my time with The Brotherhood: chemed up raiders...even the President-loving zealots in The Enclave, but that...that was something else." "Ug-Qualtoth", Harkness replied, saying the name with great distaste, "is what they call thier "god". According to their dogma, it's an immortal alien being of immense age...supposedly existing long before Mankind...and power. It supposedly sleeps deep underground near a place called Dunwich...from Pre-War records a sparsely populated rural community in Eastern Massachusetts. Oddly specific, given that from the best the Inquisitors have been able to tell the Cult itself originated from a backwater coastal community in Maryland. It is currently asleep, they say....supposedly because conditions aren't right for it to be active...they either seek to wake it or to have an army to place at it's disposal when it does, I'm not sure which. I've sat through the briefings...all squad leaders and above have...it's nonsense, of course, but they all believe it implicitly....and that makes them extremely dangerous." "Heard about your run-in with the Enclave", Harkness added, "Good work ridding the world of those bastards." From the West, the sound of rotors could be dimly heard. "Your ride is here", Harkness said, then giving the order for flares to be lit and placed to mark the LZ for the Vertibirds., and for the troops to lay down suppression fire on enemy positions as the Vertibirds approached. Soon, two Vertibirds, flying fast and low, flew in, and one at a time, hovered low above the river, as crewmen in side pushed objects into the water, then returning and landing, rotors still running for quick takeoff. Two figures, in black fatigues with combat armor over them, jumped off the Vertibird, making way as the Knights loaded their wounded comrade and his damaged suit into the Vertibird, and then approached Harkness and Kyle. "Brother Harkness, I presume?" the leader, a intense looking woman, asked. Harkness nodded. "I'm Inquisitor Stahl, my orders are to take custody of your prisoners, as well as Brother Kyle and the other people rescued from town." "Been expecting you, Inquisitor", Harkness replied coolly. While the Inquisition was necessary, he still didn't like the amount of power they were given and didn't fully trust them. "May I introduce Brother Kyle, Lancer-Sergeant of the Eastern Chapter?" "Pleased to meet you, Brother", Stahl said, extending her hand to Kyle, "On behalf of the Midwestern Order, I welcome you to our lands." she then added, "Please come with me. You and I, and the other rescuees will take the first Vertibird. My associate will travel with the prisoners." Stahl led Kyle to the first Veribird, where the three civilians were being helped onboard. As the pair embarked, the old woman..now hogtied..and a couple wounded and cowed Raiders in handcuffs were unceremoniously loaded onto the second Vertibird. Once loading was complete, Stahl raised a gloved fist and pounded twice on the bulkhead separating the passenger compartment from the cockpit and the engines immediately revved up and the Vertibird took the the air, and slowly began to head west. "We'll be at the forward command base in Indianapolis in about fifteen minutes", Stahl said, "After what you've been through, I'm sure you'd like a hot meal and some sleep before we interview you...they are also sending someone from Omaha to speak to you directly..but if you have any questions, i'll answer as best I can." [u][b]Outside Markle, IN, I-69 Bridge 8:00 am[/b][/u] Frank stood on the single intact span, seething as he beheld the smoke curling from the rubble of the camp at the East end of the bridges, and beyond it to the smouldering hulks of all too many of thier vehicles along the highway leading back to town. They'd managed to save one span, but only just...and the price they'd paid for that victory was outrageously high. Forced to make a headlong advance down the interstate, the Brotherhood had been waiting and taken a terrible toll on their Marauders, demolishing the north span of the bridge before they could close to engage. fortunately, they had not completed wiring the south span for demolition, and they had managed to reach and disarm many of the charges already placed before they detonated them to cover their retreat. While the bridge was damaged, it was still serviceable. A Marauder was rapidly approaching from the town, deftly swerving around the smoking wrecks at full speed as if it was running an obstacle course. it roared up, screeching to a halt next to the Mutant. The armored driver side door groaned open, and Peg, now wearing clothes, at least, climbed out. The grim expression on her face said it all, but Frank had to ask anyway. "What's the situation in town, Peg", Frank asked. "And where the fuck is Slade?" "it's fucking bad", Peg replied bitterly, "They blew the fuel and ammo dumps, the fusion generator is completely fucked...and if that wasn't enough, they let the ferals out, too, and then painted their symbol all over the place, including the water tower. We can't even put the squares to work fixing this mess until they can round the ferals up again. As far as Slade, he went into the river when they blew the Highway 3 bridge. He made it out...and they've run about all the Rad-Away in town through him...doc says he'll probably make it, and we'll know in about twelve hours if he's gonna change or not." She then added, "Just found out about something else you aren't gonna like." "Out with it, Peg", Frank said wearily, "it can't get much worse." "Slade had caught one of their soldiers and was holding them in the Jail with this month's tribute", Peg said, "I'm told his Vertibird, or whatever, had broke and he had to land where a patrol managed to catch him." She added, "Both are gone, by the way." "And why wasn't I told of this?", Frank hissed. "Did Slade think that was not important?" "He's dumb as shit...", Peg said with a smirk, "...but he ain't stupid. He knew it was important....he just wanted all the credit with Rog'Resh for serving him up a Brotherhood prisoner for himself, that's all." "Of course he did", Frank said disgustedly. "Go back....once the ferals are rounded up roust out the locals able to work and send thirty or so out here. We've got to start fortifying the approaches to that bridge."