Grey listened to the words of the angel but before he could do much of anything he was interrupted. The door's halls were pushed open violently. And the loud boot steps that followe clanged with hardened metal, and leather. [color=fff200]"SPEAK NOT IN FANCY WORDS ANGEL! FOR WE ARE THE SONS OF MAN! GREATER THAN ANY GOD! [i]Nam quis major est nobis numine. Nam sumus omnes filii hominum, qui rem suam det illi deorum[/i]! Lord Grey you have called and I have come! WHAT IS THAT YOU MAY CALL UPON THE EMPIRE'S [i]invicta communia[/i]? IS IT A NEW GRAND CAMPAIGN!? THE UNWORTHY SHALL BE PURGED FOR WE ARE [i]magnifico[/i]! IF NOT THEN TELL ME FOR I AM HERE TO SERVE AND FOREVER BE VICTORIOUS!"[/color] Claudius shouted loudly as he strolled in radiating pure confidence, and power his hands spread wide open. He ignored the players, and the other npcs as he strolled up to the throne. His masked steel helmet was made to resemble a roman centurion's. His armor was also made exactly to mark himself as a roman too. His creator had purposely made him like that to invoke the power of the ancient empire for which they had taken their inspiration. Doux has told everyone he intended to make a character so full of pride, and power that his emotion would radiate among his men like a lantern in a pitch black night. His shield strapped to his back, and his sword clanging against his armor. His golden cape fluttered behind him. The ultimate commander of the Arce Bellum NPC's, at least the main military forces as Severnus took care of the frumentarii. The Grand Patriach was in charge of the dungeons, and clerics. And Marcus took care of the support staff. Next to him stood the hulking giant of an NPC. Gregory Dolton. A man in full body plate armor which had been marked in intricately imprinted engravings. He held in his hand a massive pole axe that looked like it could lift up a horse into the air with minimal effort. Given that his full body was covered one could not so much as see his face underneath all that hulking steel. He was a guardian class Arce Bellum's premier non-player tank. Practically made to be an unkillable wall of a man. His muscular, and massive figure made for an imposing sight. He clanged his mailed fist against his chest plate. [color=00aeef]"Lord Greyedout I have come as requested! The twins will be here shortly too though they were not requested. They went to go retrieve the Lord Patriarch."[/color] came the gruff voice of Dolton as he looked up at him. [color=00aeef]"May I ask why you incline to sit on the throne of our emperor? Lord MaxUltra should be sitting there with all do respect."[/color] Dolton further stated as Grey sighed and looked down at them. [color=7ea7d8]"I welcome Grand Legate Claudius The Legendary. And I also welcome you too Gregory. My finest knights should be here after all. As for Our lord...I will get to that in the mean time. Lady answer your question I asked them to come because we should all be here to understand the current circumstances that we find ourselves in...after all MaxUltra's status needs to be discussed."[/color] Grey told Morningstar. Thankfully they had followed so far. He didn't want to make things go out the door so to speak and alienate themselves toward the NPC's. If they could find out more about this place then perhaps they would be able to find out what was going on. As for Max...he was gone which meant that he had to establish some sort of for hold and get the loyalty of the NPC's on his side. Some may see it as a power play though...of course being the senior to MaxUltra meant that it shouldn't go awry either. Yuna was here to bail him out if all things went wrong. [color=fff200] "DOLTON! YOU DARE QUESTION A GREATER BEING AS OLD AS LORD GREY!? YOU QUESTION HIS RIGHT?! THE EMPEROR'S SEAT IS INDEED SACRED! HOWEVER AS LIEUTENANT, AND THE ONE PUT IN CHARGE SURELY HE IS WORTHY OF THAT SEAT! THOUGH I QUESTION THESE PROFLIGATES AMONG US! OUTSIDERS IN THE THRONE ROOM IS A DISGRACE TO OUR MAJESTY!"[/color] Claudius boasted loudly slamming his hands against his chest. [color=6ecff6]"They are necessary they are also greater beings and the more assistance we have the better we are as a state I ask that you tolerate them Claudius."[/color]