Fighting, Abigail tried to get back to the surface but the disorientation and her heavy skirts made it nigh impossible. As she clawed at the water, sinking deeper, she thought it strange that she would die by the one thing she loved the most. She started to see spots even as her lungs burned from needing air. Her hands fell limp, resistance slipping out of her even as the spots grew larger. Just before she lost consciousness, she thought she felt something grabbing her arm but the thought barely registered before she blacked out. Her next conscious thought was coughing. Sitting upright, she coughed out the water she swallowed as she oriented herself. She was on a pier. Stripped down to her underdress with two soldiers standing above her and a woman leaning over her. Her eyes went to the cut corset beside them and the knife in the woman's hands. It didn't take a genius to realize that the woman had just saved her life. Before she could even express any gratitude, the question came at her. She frowned glancing down. Hanging there, catching the rays of the sun was the skull gold piece. Embarrassed and a bit worried, she stuffed it under her undershirt having not wanted others to know she wore it. Elizabeth knew - but then again, what did Elizabeth NOT know about her? Well, minus the marriage proposal. But no one else knew she carried a piece of pirate gold around her neck. She didn't know fully why she did but at the same time she didn't like to leave it around. Though, in London, she usually had to hide it if she went to a formal event. The intimacy of some of the dances would have someone spot the chain. But in most cases, she wore it. Hidden. Close to her heart. "It's nothing," she said quickly sitting up. She regretted her harsh outburst, especially as the woman just saved her life. "It's...not something I'd like to discuss," she said quietly. Then she turned her head to look at the woman before her. The woman was just as wet but it was the attire that surprised Abigail. It wasn't something that normal, everyday woman wear. But then again, she was in her underclothes here as well. Throwing her arms around the woman, she hugged her. "Thank you for saving me," she said pulling away, even as a commotion could be heard as those above were finally making their way to her.