As he sat by the fire, with the lick of alcohol lingering on his lips, he looked at the revolver in his hands and said, "My name is Shaleh, and I am new here." He paused for a moment, and took another drink of his whiskey. His deep voice continued, "I thank you for accepting me into this guild, with a notorious ancestry like no other. I have many years of Role playing experience, as well as writing on the side. I enjoy many things, like the soft kiss of a woman, the sharp sting of a blade, and the smell of spent gunpowder. But mostly, I love many settings and places. I love to romance and bed a beautiful maiden, travel the stars with kindred spirits, fight the ghouls and dragons of medieval lands, drive fast cars and shoot even faster guns, and everything in between. I love to escape, and all I ask is a good story." He let the last moment linger, as if to emphasize it's meaning. He took a whiff of his whiskey, and placed the revolver onto the table nearby. He payed close attention to the flames dancing, and leaned back for another taste of his drink. He swallowed. "If you have questions for me, take haste and ask them quickly, as time is but a fickle thing on this kindly dark night."