[hider=Angela Kõivli][b]Name[/b]: Angela Kõivli [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Age[/b]: 32 [b]Religion[/b]: She follows the Solanian Faith; she mainly worships Solanius, though Calidorus also gets a lot of attention. [b]Backstory[/b]: Angela was born to an extremely devout minor noble family in Ryymoyod, in the south of Rosiland. Ryymoyod was close to Vilvere Castle, home to the renowned Vilvere Order and the largest brick castle in the world. The Vilvere Order is a holy order of dragonslayers whose ultimate loyalty rests with Solanius and his pantheon. Angela's parents sent her off to the Order when she was six years old to eventually become a priestess; Angela was excited about the prospects and was one of the most enthusiastic students in the castle; however, when her lessons were over she spent some of her time pestering the local knights to teach her how to use a sword. She was determined to learn all that she could about being a part of the Order, and knights tended to be the most well-taught in the whole organisation. While few knights were women, the men were rarely put off since Angela showed a willingness to learn that many male squires did not - initially, it was just a fun way for both Angela and the knights to pass the time. After some time, however, the knights realised that she showed potential and with the right guidance, she had the capacity to become a knight herself. Much of her life in the castle consisted of training to become both a priestess and a knight - knight training in the Order was unusual, in that squires must learn magic as well as swordsmanship. Magic training begins early because it is one of their main methods for defeating dragons in battle. Her training was difficult and it took years and years to complete. Finally, when she was 19 she completed both of her training programmes. Because she did two lots of training, she was ultimately given a choice of whether she wanted to become a dragonslayer or a priestess - by this stage, Angela had seen how the world [i]really[/i] was, and ultimately decided that she could do more good as a knight of the Order. In addition, her knowledge as a priestess would likely come in handy anyway, as there was no shortage of simple people looking for the word of the Gods. After her knighting ceremony, she was granted the rank of [i]Chevaleresse[/i]. She went on to participate in the Eastern Crusade along with the vast majority of her comrades; she took part in the disastrous 'Battle of the Red Flats', where the Western army was soundly and decisively defeated by the Easterners. The soldiers and knights that routed were ran down by Eastern cavalry, while those that surrendered found themselves at the stake if they weren't killed outright. Angela managed to escape with her life, but many of her brothers and sisters within the Order's ranks had perished. Upon seeing the massacre of her friends by their heretic foes, Angela was filled with nothing but hatred for Easterners of any walk of life. When the Order regrouped, the decimated army spent the Crusade laying siege to and conquering Sindhusi-held castles and towns; if any Easterners were found within (they always [i]were[/i]), then Angela and other Vilvere knights killed them without a second thought. She stayed in the East for two years without any contact with her friends and family back home; when the weary army returned back to Vilvere Castle, Angela had become extremely bitter from her experiences, but surprisingly, her faith wasn't shaken. Since she was knighted, Angela has risen through the Order's ranks at a reasonable pace; by the time the story begins, she is officially a [i]Chevaleresse-Lieutenant[/i]. Angela, when present at Vilvere Castle, is in charge of the day-to-day running of castle's priory. However, she is sometimes sent out to cities across the Solanian world to carry out various tasks for local Order chapters or the Church. [b]Motivation[/b]: Angela believes that Htraknu is a serious threat to the Solanian Faith and to all people (living and dead) in the entire world. In addition, she believes that as a dragonslayer, she is obliged to at least attempt to hunt down and kill the dragon-god like the heretic it is. [b]Magic[/b]: As mentioned above, Angela acquired her knowledge of magic from her training in the Vilvere Order; the vast majority of her knowledge is mainly fire- and ice-based, though she has a little bit of knowledge in shield spells as well. [b]Skills/Strengths[/b]: As a knight and a dragonslayer, she is a superb swordfighter and her skill in the magical arts is also very good. In addition, she is strong-willed and does not lack determination. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: She has a tendency to put her religion and her Gods above plenty of other things; many people would call her zealous. Angela also has a tendency to try to help the common person as much as she can, even if it may be at odds with her assignment - that said however, she treats adventurers and landless/wandering knights with nothing other than absolute contempt. [b]Gear[/b]: https://imgur.com/a/BR4757f + appearance [b]Other[/b]: Yes - she has a plethora of other weaknesses, some of them almost crippling, though I will refrain from mentioning them since it could compromise her story immediately, which isn't satisfying. If I need to tell the GM what they are, I will.[/hider] And here's an application for a new character I've been wanting to bring in for [i]ages[/i]. ^^ [quote=@Beany McBean] [hider=Gottmar von Eibenschütz][b]Name[/b]: Gottmar von Eibenschütz [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Age[/b]: 42 [b]Appearance[/b]: https://i.imgur.com/pkLztc7.jpg [b]Religion[/b]: Like the rest of the Order of Witch Hunters, Gottmar worships only Calidorus, seeing him as a natural patron of their crusade against the users of dark magic. [b]Backstory[/b]: Gottmar was born in the small town of Eibenschütz in southern Asmeinland, the second son of the ruling Baron, August von Eibenschütz. As a young noble, he received a good education in both academic disciplines and the art of combat, showing a particular aptitude for the latter. When he was 16, he and his elder brother Manfred were sent with a small force to deal with a suspected band of brigands in the nearby forests. Coming across a campsite in the woods, however, they could find no-one but an old woman, sat at the campfire brewing some kind of herbal tea. Gottmar’s brother enquired as to whether the woman knew of any criminals in the area – unfortunately, she was less than cooperative, and he gave her a sound beating before the party left. A week later, he was dead; taken by an unknown illness, suffering in unbearable agony for the last days of his life. Shortly afterwards, the old woman from the forest was seen in Eibenschütz. Nobody thought anything of it, until she entered the castle one day and demanded to speak with the Baron. Reluctantly granting her an audience, he watched in utter confusion as she shuffled into the Great Hall and proceeded to rant at him in an obscure dialect of Solymic. Annoyed that his time was being wasted, he had the crone spend a day in the stocks, pelted with shit and rotten food. That night, August rose from his bed, grabbed a knife from his bedside table, and stabbed his sleeping wife to death. Covered in blood, he proceeded to stagger through the castle, not awake – animated instead by some unseen force – murdering anyone in his path. Bursting into the bedroom of Gottmar’s younger sister, he put out both her eyes before slitting her throat. Her screams were the only thing that roused the sleeping castle guards, who, along with Gottmar, awoke and rushed to where the sound had come from. Seeing what his father had done, Gottmar rushed forward with sword in hand to kill the man. He was too late. August turned his knife on himself, plunging the blade into his own heart. It did not take a genius to connect the deaths of August and Manfred with the strange old crone who both had angered. Gottmar took the castle’s garrison and roused the citizenry, who gathered their torches and pitchforks and stormed the old woman’s camp in the forest. Even a witch must sleep, and the furious mob burned her alive in her own tent, her terrible screams and attempts to cast spells coming far too late to save her. After a lengthy period of consideration, Gottmar decided to journey to Altenschloss, the nearest city that housed a chapter of the radical Order of Brother-Soldiers of the Temple of Blessed Calidorus in Asmeinland (better known as the Order of Witch Hunters). Passing their initial trials, taking their vows, and undergoing their purification rituals to render him devoid of – and also immune to – sorcery, the young nobleman became a fully-fledged Witch Hunter, sworn to seek out and destroy dark magic wherever it manifested. For 26 years, this has been his profession. Now a senior and well-respected member of the Altenschloss Chapter, Gottmar still relentlessly carries out his duties with a dedication both admired and feared by his brothers in the Order. [b]Motivation[/b]: Initially unaware of Htraknu, merely tracking a witch across the country. When he learns of Htraknu, however, he will see it as his duty to rid the world of such a foul magical threat. [b]Magic[/b]: None at all. As a member of the Altenschloss Chapter of the Order of Witch Hunters, Gottmar was subjected to a ritual whereby the blood was completely drained from his body, “purified” by Order priests to rid it of all magical taint, and reinjected into him. This ritual renders the participant partially immune to magic – magically summoned fire, creatures, weapons etc. can still harm him, but illusions and direct magical attempts to manipulate the mind and body have no effect. Unfortunately, this also means that he is unable to use magic in any form, even with the assistance of substances or artifacts that would normally assist in sorcery. Technically, as being drained of all blood does have a tendency to kill the victim, Witch Hunters are no longer strictly speaking alive, occupying a grey area between life and undeath. They still require food and water, like any living person, but are somewhat desensitised to pain and do not sleep. Their skin has a deathlike pallor, and flesh wounds rarely heal fully, leaving most Hunters covered in scars from their various exploits. [b]Skills/Strengths[/b]: Extremely physically fit, highly proficient swordsman and marksman, good knowledge of tracking, survival skills, and alchemy, expert knowledge of the occult. Immune to direct magic. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Gottmar’s inability to utilise magic in any form is a clear weakness, and in some cases his immunity to its effects can also be a disadvantage – it is not just harmful magic that he resists; healing magic will not work on him either. [b]Gear[/b]: [list] [*]Clothes, long leather coat, wide-brimmed capotain hat with internal steel reinforcement [*]Hardened steel cuirass, pauldrons, rerebrace and vambrace on right arm [*]Arming sword [*]Hatchet [*]Short falchion [*]Pair of daggers, one iron and one silver [*]Set of stakes and mallet [*]Repeating crossbow and bolts [*]Dried food [*]Waterskin [*]Small hip flask of brandy [*]Medicinal herbs, bandages, needle and thread [*]Flask of holy oil [*]Holy symbol of Calidorus [*]Small bag of salt [*]Firesteel [*]Money[/list] [b]Other[/b]: Nothing I can think of that isn’t covered above.[/hider] [/quote] And your new char is accepted my friend! ^^