DRAKON "DRAKE" RUSSO AGE: 836 years old SPECIES: Dragon [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2ykjt39.jpg[/IMG] POWERS: - Can Shape Shift into the human species - Is very venomous - while in dragon form, his skin is dangerous to touch - can fly faster than the speed of 3,000 mph, tries to test it often - strength in both forms are extremely leveled WEAKNESSES - extreme weathers - blood of an angel - Ice - Objects made for skinning OTHER - Drake may be old but has spunk that comes alive majority of the time - prefers night time, brightness of the sun often hurts his eyes - despite his violent and aggressive dragon form, he is a understanding person - attending the prep to be able to maintain his human form, though he likes his dragon, in order to become crowned king, he has to master a human life. --- WILLOW MICHAELS AGE: 17 SPECIES: llumac Vampire (man made vampire) [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/15wngd0.jpg[/IMG] POWERS: - She has extraordinary speed - heightened senses - strength of a hundred - has a power to see ones thoughts - can also implant thoughts into others heads, to make them in pain, or even forge memories and feelings. - compulsion WEAKNESS - can stand only a few hours of sunlight a day - beheading. - blood of a sick or dying human - holy water - the presence of a holy person - Vervain OTHER - moved to school after being turned. She was unwilling bitten and left for dead, only to be reborn days later. - hates all supernatural creatures, blames most for the dark powers who turned her. - reverts to her humanistic ways, because that is all she knows. - requests to be alone - can not stand the itching for her hunger, very blood lust driven - doesn't want to eat from humans