"Then you know where to find one?" Ghent perked up, his senses alert with anticipation. The whistle echoed into the darkness as he looked around, anxious for a tichari to answer the call. He didn't want to return empty handed. If Drust didn't kill him, Elayra would. The call was soon answered. Ghent's breath caught in his throat when he spotted the burst of color, followed by one of the most incredible creatures he had ever seen. His imagination hadn't done it justice. "Oh, [i]wow[/i]..." Ghent didn't plan to speak, but his amazement escaped past his lips. He stared at the fox in wonder, marveling at its surreal, sleek -- and, undeniably cute -- appearance. Ghent felt an undeniable urge to pet the tichari as Smaya had, at least until the crackling sound reached his ears. Thinking he would be electrocuted by its fur, he reluctantly kept his hands to himself. Suddenly, the tichari looked right at him. Ghent swallowed, unnerved by its stare. New to interacting with a creature of Wonderland, he slowly raised his hand in a dazed sort of wave. The day just kept getting stranger. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Right." Thanks to Smaya's reminder, Ghent lowered himself to a seated position. He hoped returning to the realm would prove less terrifying than leaving it. "Hang tight, Margen. I need to focus us back." The sentence sounded weird to Ghent, even as he said it. He wondered if the concept of magic and ghosts would ever feel normal to him. There was a long, heavy pause. Ghent wrapped the drawstring of his hoodie around his finger, reluctance visible on his face. He knew he needed to get back to Elayra, but he was afraid. He had every reason to fear a second round of being immobilized and emotionally tortured. Smaya's voice put an end to his fears. Her offer was an offer to keep the souls of the dead at bay. "You'd do that?" Ghent felt the pressure lift from his chest, his mind racing with possibilities. Aside from a Curse-ridden Drust, ghosts were his greatest concern. "Yes! Er...I mean...that would be great. I -- [i]we [/i]-- would really appreciate it. Thank you, Smaya. Really." Feeling an unusual sense of determination, Ghent closed his eyes and cleared his mind. His thoughts felt clearer, his worries less than before. He imagined the clearing just as he left it. The terrain, the trees, even the occasional dust motes. With Smaya's help, he had hope they would make it out of Hollow Forest alive...but he couldn't help but fear what he may return to.