PC students. [hider=Students] Koharu. Charles McCloud. Noru Nanbu. Hikari Amura. Edith Row. Mycel Fung. Kiyoshi Tanaka. Adam Torque. Eltrino Atlas. Morgan Narukami. [/hider] Met heroes. [hider=Heroes] Jerome Winchester-Hopper King. Insect humanoid, powerful legs for jumping. Celia Skink-Scaly. Lizard humanoid, very flexible and fast, also regenerates at a superhuman rate. Alister Creed-Recovery Lad. Can heal wounds by kissing someone, at the cost of stamina. Murphy Hammond-Lecture. Forces your muscles to tense to the point you can't move, but only whiles he's yelling. [/hider] PC Villains. [hider=What are we boys!?] None. [/hider] Met villains. [hider=We're the bad guys!] None. [/hider]