[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OuA3B6J.png[/img] [hider=Tonya “Mac” Murphy] [b]Age: 24/11 | Gender: Female/Female | Illusion, Gravity Body | Power of Friendship, Regeneration | Moirai Wings, Soul Jar, Martial Training, Familiar, Environmental Sealing, Gifted, Awareness, Mystic Artifact Magical Overload, Paragon, Blessing, Gifted Item | Monster Form, Big Brother, Arrogance, Vendetta Redirected Magic, Second Specialization | Non-Standard Limbs, Destroyer[/b] STR: 05 | AGI: 04 | VIT: 05 | MAG: 03 | LCK: 03 STR: 12 | AGI: 08 | VIT: 10 | MAG: 16 | LCK: 05 Earnings this post: Zilch Total: 1 Gold, 45 Silver, 49 Bronze [/hider][/center] In all honesty, Tonya didn't need a spool of fate laden string to tell that there was something wrong with that one. But it was whatever now. After looking at Mariette's "transformation," she decided she wasn't really needed to help defeat Caroline. But just because she could, she'd give the looney spy a swipe before heading off with the rest of the siege party. ... Sue quietly listened along to everyone discuss their plans. The familiar liked Amber's plan best of course. Mostly because she had a lot of respect for Amber, but also because her plan put everyone somewhere, and she at least sounded like she considered everyone's strengths when forming it. What Makoto proposed was more along the lines of advice than a plan. It was kind of suspicious how she insisted everyone siege the front, but then insisted she herself take the secret passage. She must have had her reasons. Amber always said beacon girls were stupid, incompetent fools. Sue had more or less attributed this to the fact that Amber had an, erm, unique relationship with them. But Alicia for some reason seemed to think her bombardment magic would be more useful attacking a wide open area then the narrow corridors of a dungeon. Limited room to dodge or disperse meant that her attacks would be more effective. What was amber thinking making Alicia the leader of a team? Not that Sue was in a position to critique Alicia's way of fighting. She did almost nuke Alexander because Sue said it was a good idea. Fortunately, Alicia looked like she was willing to forefit her leadership position. Mariette pointed out a real flaw in Amber's plan however. If Sonia was as all powerful as she seemed to be, then the roof attacking force wouldn't do very well with just the mentioned magical girls. It was a shame Sue wasn't stronger. She would have liked to have been relied on... Before Amber could respond to the criticisms, Libby revealed herself, and the portal apocalypse started. The fact that the only person they were able to recruit was a spy didn't sit well with the familiar, but she hardly had time to react to it. Amber did not have an especially strong reaction to it all. She looked annoyed more than anything. “Change of plans.” She eyed everyone around her. “Sue, you're going to pilot the earth bastion. It's tank controls, just like in the arcade.” “G-got it!” “I'm going to enter through the roof. I won't need a large force. Eli and the winged girl can follow me, but I plan on avoiding detection.” Her eyes shifted. “Helga, you're going to go under the castle with the exact same group I suggested, only you'll take Makoto with you instead of Alicia.” By this point, the minions were pouring in all around them. “As for everyone else, just stay alive. I doubt a frontal assault is going to be very effective, but it's where I expect most of her forces to show up.” Meanwhile, Sue had flown into the bridge of the ship to engage the earth bastion. Her heart was racing, and there was already sweat all over her face when she transformed into a human again. But as hard as it was to do, she sat down and gently pushed the levers forward. The earth bastion would be sailing across the lake in no time. [hr] Beacon might have been falling apart, but it was at times like this that you needed to be part of a group to stay strong. Tonya (not Mac Tonya) never regretted her Beacon girl heritage. Tonya was currently in uniform while standing guard at a street corner. It was just a dead end street that saw very little traffic. Her [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/8ff9c7c0ecf4829f99001bd4066ed12e/tumblr_p78avbT0S91w6599so1_1280.png]green dress[/url] fluttered in the wind as she waited for the patrols to get back. After the most recent attack, Beacon had lost a lot of ground, and needed to really stretch out their forces just to maintain as much of their turf as they had. She didn't really understand the hate for Beacon. It was pretty clear to her that Beacon was making all of the right moves. Collectively, they probably did the most to thwart the monster threat. There was the unwavering insistence that every monster, dark, and Ebon girl had to be slain, which likely upset a few people. But it wasn't like those girls could be saved or even properly relied on half the time. Monster and dark magical girls had twisted personalities, and it was just a matter of time before an Ebon mint girl would use her coin and become one of the former. What little good they did in the meantime was not worth their continued existence. It [i]really[/i] bothered Tonya that Penny was technically allied with beacon. She wouldn't have been surprised if they were an Ebon mint spy on top of everything else. Tonya would never say this out loud, but anyone not allied with Beacon was probably the enemy. Tonya was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a woman singing. The song was unsettling, but she knew what it was. A week or so ago, Alicia had reported a monster girl and boy that had an aura accompanied by some music like this. Tonya was fully expecting an ambush from two such magical girls. She would have liked some backup, but she was pretty capable on her own. Tonya was durable, and her wind magic turned her umbrella into a mighty weapon. She would just have to wait and react accordingly. Her teeth clinched tighter and tighter with each passing second. “Um-” “PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON!” Tonya waved her umbrella around, nearly knocking over the stranger who approached her. It was a red haired girl who looked as nervous as Tonya felt. “O-Oh, um.” She pointed her umbrella at the woman. “State your business!” Regina hugged herself. “Is this how Beacon greets everyone?!” “You know I'm beacon?” Tonya took a deep breath. “A-Anyway! Might be! Stop avoiding the question!” Regina was standing in the street. “I'm going to transform, alright? It'll make explaining things easier.” “Alright.” she waved her umbrella. “I'm watching.” As soon as Regina transformed, she was struck by a wall of wind, followed by a peppering of apples, acorns, and anything else Tonya could fit in her hammer space. She didn't stopp her attack until Regina had been knocked to the ground. “What are you doing!? I'm trying to surrender!” Her voice was cracking. “I know how you monster types are!” Tonya pointed, walking into the street. “But you don't scare me, and I can see your evil plan with my eyes closed!” The festive girl twirled her umbrella and assumed a defensive stance. “Now, when is your boyfriend going to show up and ambush me?” Elroy answered by launching his chains out of a nearby storm drain and ensnaring Tonya's ankles. They were attached to his shield, which had been placed in the storm drain in preparation for this ambush. With a sharp tug, the beacon girl fell forward. She was able to use her wind magic to avoid slamming into the street, but that was when Elroy popped out of a manhole cover and launched two more chains from his gauntlets. They coiled around her wrists like vines, and pulled her towards the sewer. The chains around her ankles let go as Elroy pulled Tonya into the sewer with him.. There wasn't much Tonya could do to fight back in the sewers. She didn't have any powers that let her see better down here, and with Elroy slinging her around so violently, there was little Tonya could do to resist or fight back. What few wind attacks she was able to launch either didn't hit anything, or simply weren't strong enough to harm Elroy. When the beating stopped, Tonya was on the brink of contentiousness. “Hey Regina! I got poppins!” The succubus lowered herself into the sewer. “That could have gone better, I underestimated how scared they would be after that last monster attack.” She fret her brow. “Having said that, There was nothing stopping you from launching your attack from where she was initially standing.” “I'm soz. I keep forgetting how soft and squishy you guys are compared to me. I'd love it if someone threw apples at me.” Elroy pulled Tonya into a bear hug. “If it's all the same to you, I'd like to grab my shield and get out of here.” He chuckled. “But this was fun, we should do it again.” “Of course.” “Wha...” Tonya's body was so wrecked with pain, she couldn't even stand without Elroy's assistance. “What's going on?” It was impossible for Tonya to see, but she could sense Regina was holding her hand over the beacon girl in the darkness. “I find everything about you disgusting... For now.”