Time to clean out the PMs. TO DO: [b]Independence City[/b] [indent] - [s]Locations + Places[/s] - Rewrite 'hook' -- keep it short. - [s]Think of better name than Spartan.[/s] - [s]Think of better names for everything.[/s] - [s]Add current events/plot section --> make 4 + 5th tier plots.[/s] - [s]Need more rules ?? No.[/s] - [s]Finish CS skeleton[/s] - Rereads for typos [s]1 2[/s] 3 - neverpost[/indent] [b]??? Medieval Fantasy Roleplay[/b] [indent]- Literally everything - FIGURE OUT NAMES - time line = 16 months. do this - More detail in place/locations - Races ? - find d&d notes on gods + artifacts and plug in - also find map, describing continents locations too confusing. - Add more to setting hider (AFTER finalizing timeline) - Rules (copy-paste independent, but smaller group maybe more commitment?) - CS skeleton (you are garbage at this. just try editing from Independent) - Reread for typos 1 2 3[/indent] [b]NMNF[/b] [indent]- [s]Time period (post-war?)[/s] - Gangs - Calendar? - CS - Rules - Fill skeleton things - Finish second plot [/indent]