[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180616/a9143d2daf402c62e7ce5825c71d4d88.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YLTPW1D.jpg?1[/img] [colour=gray][sub] ⧓ POPULATION: 3.9 Million ⧓ SIZE: 361KM[sup]2[/sup] ⧓ TREATED IN THE CITY: 3292 ⧓ [/sub][/colour] [/center][hr][hr] [indent] [/indent] [h3][colour=CEB35B] ⧔ [b]Setting[/b] ⧕ [/colour][/h3][hr][hider=] Welcome to Independence State, the home of Independence City, formerly Frostford. Brace yourself for a lot of reading. Cenic Industries owns Independence City. Years ago, they developed a 'Gene Trigger' treatment (GTT), meant to activate dormant or 'useless' genes in humans. The process is expensive, and only works on just over 3% of the population, but when it does the 'treated' individual becomes something greater than any simple bodyguard or solider. Basically this is how someone gets super powers, and becomes one of the 'treated'. It is the only method, there is no knock off somewhere else. This also means, that Cenic has the name and details of every single treated person out there. Typically the only way for anyone to be able to afford going through the treatment is by being sponsored, either by some second party or by Cenic themselves. Sponsoring is done by proving yourself to be a viable treatment candidate (a simple blood test) then showing the verified results to someone with the money and need/desire for a treated. Just in case that isn't enough to keep everyone in line, there's Nitrofe, or just Nitro. The GTT was never really perfected, and over time, the changes to a human's genes begin to destabilize, and the human in question beings to lose control of their ability. The first signs can usually be seen towards the end of the first year after treatment. Then, without bi-monthly doses of Nitrofe (the Cenic-brand-only injection), and treated person becomes feral. The results of being feral vary with each persons power. Some simply lose their mind, others may die, or they can become dangerous; which is when Cenic's security force comes baring down. The city itself has become highly isolated, with minimal trade to the outside world. This means most non-domestically produced supplies are scarce, and getting out of or into the city is impossible for most people. To leave the city, one must go through a lengthy process to obtain travel documents from the security offices in Bellit Point and then have their travel accepted or declined. The other options are forgery; the only really passable documents coming from the Riders, or bribery; and the only ones in the city with enough influence and power to hasten the process are Cenic and the Deloziers. NOTE: This also means if you are considering a character with teleportation abilities, I'm going to be [i]extremely[/i] restrictive of them in-game. There's no way Cenic would let someone like that even live if they weren't under their absolute control. Nuclear power doesn't exist in this world. There was no Manhattan project (though America may be working on something eerily close during the time of this setting) and the atom bomb was never invented. Instead America put and end to WW2 by deploying troops of 'treated' humans in both Germany and Japan. It ended the war, but not to the same effect as it did in our world (there was an actual war with Russia rather than a cold one see alternate history tab). Without nuclear power, the world is in an energy crisis a great deal worse than ours currently is. Windmills dot every piece of unused land, and oil/coal are drilled/mined at inordinate cost. Private cars are an absolute luxury now used only by the wealthiest citizens, and emergency transport. Electric street-cars and subways are what 90% of the population use. Even Independence City, which had ignored a great deal of the energy problems for reasons unknown to the outside world, highly restricts the use of fossil fuels. Finally, Independence City is the center of a wasteland. It's located on the west coast of Washington State, not far from the Canadian boarder. A war with the United States and Canada four years ago left the entire state of Washington, the northern half of Oregon, and Vancouver (along with anything to the south of it) uninhabitable. [/hider] [h3][colour=CEB35B][b] ⧔ Alternate History ⧕[/b][/colour][/h3][hr][hider=] [colour=CEB35B][b]1942:[/b][/colour] [indent]Among the first of the American soldiers sent to Europe, a special force designated only as [i]Spartan[/i] was deployed in the south ends of France and Japan. Within the month, France had been reclaimed by Allied forces, turning the tide of the second world war. Japan surrendered shortly there after.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1943:[/b][/colour] [indent]WW2 officially ends, the Manhattan project was never completed, Japan is all but annexed by America. The victory is largely attributed to the American special forces, apparently trained in some facility in the North-West. Most of the 'special infantry' soldiers die from going feral mere months after the end of the war, but the outcome is kept relativity quiet as Cenic finds a solution for the problem.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1957:[/b][/colour] [indent]Tensions reach a breaking point, and America officially declares war on Russia, but is unwilling to immediately use the same tactics as in the previous war. [/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1963:[/b][/colour] [indent]Nitrofe is developd by Cenic Industries, and the America government immediately commissions them to begin treatment to make more 'super-soldiers'. [/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1964:[/b][/colour] [indent]The war with Russia ends with the burning of Moscow, apparently unsanctioned by the United States government. The Cenic soldier program is suspended indefinitely.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1975:[/b][/colour] [indent]Cenic Industries goes public with their Gene Trigger Treatment. The cost is extremely steep, and people are hesitant but the idea eventually snowballs.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1977:[/b][/colour] [indent]The area surrounding the headquarters of Cenic Industries grows alarmingly fast. Independence City is formed.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1980:[/b][/colour] [indent]The side effects of the treatment become public knowledge, and a great deal of the population is horrified. The American government grows concerned with the number of 'treated' individuals going through with it.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1982:[/b][/colour] [indent]The world wide energy crisis begins. Tensions between America and Russia rise again. Gina Wellham undergoes the gene trigger treatment.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1984:[/b][/colour][indent] A bill is put forth to criminalize the GTT. There is sever backlash from Cenic Industries, which has stopped producing any sort of pharmaceutical drug other than Nitrofe.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1988:[/b][/colour][indent]The government moves to dismantle Cenic Industries completely. Cenic's response is to send 'treated' humans Seattle and Portland. Both Cities are laid waste to in a number of days in a way never before seen. Anyone who tries to return to the areas falls ill and dies within a number of days.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1990:[/b][/colour][indent] With Cenic's numbers still growing each day, the United States turns to Canada for aid. The Northern country drops mines on the northern half of Independence City, which retaliates by destroying Vancouver and Victoria island. The continued level of destruction shocks the world, and the areas remain uninhabitable.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1993:[/b][/colour][indent] America makes a final effort to deal with Cenic Industries, which results in the entire state of Washington succumbing to the same fate as the cities. Independence City declares itself Independence State; a new Republic free of American tyranny.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1995:[/b][/colour][indent]The energy crisis reaches a breaking point, cities all over the world are prone to sudden blackouts which can last days or weeks. Independence State suffers none of these effects, and sees thousands of people attempting to immigrate.[/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]1997:[/b][/colour][indent]September 17, present day.[/indent] [/hider] [h3][colour=CEB35B] ⧔ [b]Rules[/b] ⧕[/colour][/h3][hr][hider=] 1. Guild/Site rules. You know'em well enough. 2. Commitment. Look we know how this stuff works. I'm fine with people dropping in and out of the roleplay, life happens. I only ask that if you're considering involving your character in one of the major plot-lines which could mean any number of people are [i]relying[/i] on you to post for the game to continue, be sure you can commit to it. Not that I'm going to chase you down or anything. Probably. 3. Alignment. For posts, sheets, and pretty much anything else, keep the alignment normal (to the left). Seriously I'm not going to read anything that is centered or right-aligned. 4. Post length/quality. I mean it's casual and I'm not going to be a stickler about anything. Just try to be legible and move the plot forward. If for some reason I feel you're dragging in effort, I'll PM you and we can work on a post together or something but I don't really see this becoming an issue. 5. Formatting. Make it easy to identify who you character is, where they are, and 'when' they are in each post. [/hider] [h3][colour=CEB35B][b] ⧔ Factions ⧕[/b][/colour][/h3][hr][hider=] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XZdEh65.png?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]Cenic Industries[/b][/colour][/center] [indent] The company that supports the entire city. Is located on Cenic Island, 15 kilometers off the coast of the city. Current CEO is Austin McLaugry. Employs and commands Cenic City Security (CCS) a private military. Some are 'hired' out to wealthy clients all over the world, other remain in Independence working not unlike a police force; making the real public Independence police little more than glorified secretaries and prison guards. The only source of GTT and Nitro found in the world.[/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qatl5D5.png?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]Independence Party[/b][/colour][/center] [indent] The governing party of Independence City. Led by former mayor and current Minister; Oliver McLaugry. Close relations with Cenic Industries are well known, and would be hard to conceal as their respective leaders are twins. Their support is flagging since the official separation from the United States, but only slightly after decades of complete dominance in polls.[/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/q3kjnYG.png?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]People's United Front[/b][/colour][/center] [indent] A the new party in Independence City, the first to rival the Independence Party in over three decades. Lead by Claire Towers. It remains vague about most stances, but decidedly favours non-treated. Seeks to return the city's official police force and at least smooth over relations with the USA, though many speculate rejoining as well. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2tZlEiI.png?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]The Riders[/b][/colour][/center] Began as a rebel group of mercenaries, looking only to live outside of Cenic's grasp. It is the smallest group, with no official leader. While officially they are anti-Cenic Industries, most can be hired for just about any work for enough pay. A number operate out of one of the many abandoned warehouses in the southern factory district nicknamed 'the foundry'. Along with a large portion of the the city's other illegal drugs, they have developed an oral pill that can supplement the need for Nitrofe in treated humans, with only a few side-effects.[/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/p3WJu3b.png?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]The Delozier Family[/b][/colour][/center] [indent]One of the oldest and wealthiest families in Independence City. Headed by Richard Delozier. They are heavily invested in Cenic Industries, and have been for generations. Used to control all drug trade within the city, until more substances and items became harder to come by with the split form USA, and now their operations are threatened by the Frostford Falcons.[/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BRVDm9h.png?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]Frostford Falcons[/b][/colour][/center] A militant anti-Cenic and anti-treated group. Lead by a mysterious figure known only as Em. Their activities are often violent, conspicuous, and chaotic, at least in appearance. Yet they are at least organized enough to keep all their high ranking member hidden - if there even are any. They inhabit the ruins of North Shore, with the squatters and refugees. Somehow, they have maintained a great connection with the outside world, and are the main smugglers of foreign contraband. [/hider] [h3][colour=CEB35B][b] ⧔ NPCs ⧕[/b][/colour][/h3][hr][hider=] There may be overlapping powers with PCs. I'm not going to steal your super-unique idea or anything but there are and have been a lots of super powered humans, it stands to reason more than one can fly, or run real good. [center][img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/589f29_94203b74bd87483a9c9068b91f59c626~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_244,h_360,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/589f29_94203b74bd87483a9c9068b91f59c626~mv2.webp[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]Austin McLaugry[/b][/colour] [sub]|| MALE || 40 || CEO CENIC INDUSTRIES ||[/sub][/center] Fourth generation CEO of Cenic Industries. Austin is the man behind to curtain, controlling the political and financial climate in the city. The threads he holds so firmly in his grasp however, are unraveling; making him clench all the tighter. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sfh4Xjh.jpg?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]Oliver McLaugry[/b][/colour] [sub]|| MALE || 40 || MINISTER OF INDEPENDENCE STATE ||[/sub][/center] The charismatic brother. Oliver was thrust into the political world young, and became leader of the Independence Party before reaching 30. While many find his obvious close ties to Cenic unsettling, more find him too likable and open to distrust as much as they should. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/P8OHceD.jpg?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]Claire Towers[/b][/colour] [sub]|| FEMALE || 39 || LEADER OF THE PEOPLE'S UNITED FRONT ||[/sub][/center] Claire only just squeezed her way into the council before Independence officially split form the rest of America. Then, she was reserved in her politics and, to all outward appearances, another simple bureaucrat in Cenic's back pocket. But within the past two years, her voice has been the sole differing one, advocating change in favour of regular humans and support for the suffering refugees and squatters in the lesser districts. It's a dangerous line she walks, but Independence City is a democracy, and no one has any official ground from removing her from council. She is the only rival to Oliver McLaugry that has even half a shot in the upcoming election. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EUPzkgc.png?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]Madison "Shockwave" Adams[/b][/colour] [sub]|| FEMALE || 32 || RUNAWAY CENIC AGENT ||[/sub][/center] The woman who's face is plastered over half the city. Madison disappeared nearly seven months ago and hasn't returned for her Nitro dosage since. Considered extremely dangerous, and at a high risk of going feral; citizens are advised to keep well away if they see her, while Cenic Security is to find her and bring her in. Her ability is described as absorbing electric energy and discharging it at will. No definite leads on her location, but the fact that blackouts haven't been sweeping the city it's assumed she is somewhere with The Riders. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dVbL0MH.jpg?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]Mauro Pirozzi[/b][/colour] [sub]|| MALE || 42 || THE NORTH-SHORE SURGEON ||[/sub][/center] A Italian immigrant that moved to Vancouver with his family over 30 years ago. He was living further east when Independence City wiped out his home. Immediately he returned to help with relief efforts, but there were none; there was nothing left to save. Instead he went south, in search of refugees that fled to the very city that had attacked them. He is in fact a surgeon, and runs a free -if not strictly legal- clinic in North Shore and will help just about anyone who comes to his door best he can. He is strongly supported by both The Riders and Frostford Falcons which helps keep him reasonably stocked and hidden from any law forces seeking to root him out. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/iCsFdmj.jpg?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]Joseph Belsco[/b][/colour] [sub]|| MALE || 34 || 'OWNER' BROAD-VIEW CASINO ||[/sub][/center] Former overseer of the Delozier 'interests' in North Shore, (mostly of moving drugs and money across the district). Apparently the pay off wasn't what he'd hoped, and three years ago he managed to convince his crew to betray the Delozier family and go into business for themselves. They managed to kill all those that came after them, and eventually hit the Broad-View Casino, killing the owner which led to Joseph taking over the business for himself. Has at least knowledge of if not influence over all criminal and gang activity in North Shore. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pAlapPQ.jpg?1[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]Richard Delozier[/b][/colour] [sub]|| MALE || 56 || HEAD OF THE DELOZIER FAMILY ||[/sub][/center] Everything you would expect from the leader of the city's most prosperous mob; greedy, vain, calculating, and remorseless. No one wants to trifle with Richards Delozier. He has two sons, both of which are equally incompetent and constantly trying to out-do each-other in effort to gain their father's favour, and eventually the entire family business. Richard himself rarely leaves his building in Upper Helford. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Q6C3sPV.png[/img] [colour=CEB35B][b]'Em'[/b][/colour] [sub]|| ??? || ??? || LEADER OF THE FROSTFORD FALCONS||[/sub][/center] There some debate as to whether 'Em' even exists, or if it is simply part of the Frostford Falcon's signature. But the group has grown and organized in such a rapid fashion, it's hard to imagine there isn't some leader behind it all. [/hider] [h3][colour=CEB35B][b] ⧔ Places ⧕[/b][/colour][/h3][hr][hider=] [colour=CEB35B][b]Washington Wasteland[/b][/colour] [indent][sub]POPULATION: 0|| 4,700KM[sup]2[/sup][/sub][/indent] What remains of Washington State and the surrounding area. Completely uninhabitable. Location: East of the rocky mountains, south of the city's boarder. [colour=CEB35B][b]The East Valley[/b][/colour] [indent][sub]POPULATION: 1.2 Million|| 276KM[sup]2[/sup][/sub][/indent] The 'State' portion of Independence State, and the only inhabitable area around Independence City before the wasteland. Agriculture and wind farms take up most of the area, though small cities have sprouted up around them. The most peaceful area of Independence State. Located: Between the Eastern outskirts of the city and the rocky mountains that are the beginnings of the Washington Wasteland. [indent][i]Mt. Baker Detention Center[/i] [indent] The long-term prison for the many criminals of Independence City[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]Maple Falls[/i] [indent]A state park that has remained as such despite the surrounding area's destruction and separation form America. A wilderness retreat that leads up into the mountains towards signs warning to turn back before descending into the wasteland.[/indent][/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]Greenville[/b][/colour] [indent][sub]POPULATION: 540,000|| 42KM[sup]2[/sup][/sub][/indent] The suburbs that separate the city from the East Valley. Standard quarter-acre housing is found in this area. Location: Wrapping around the eastern and southernmost sections of the city. [indent][i]Greenville Civic Center[/i] [indent] The local civic center, complete with baseball diamond, ice rink, and swimming pool.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]East State College[/i] [indent]The state college is still operational, albeit at a much lower enrollment rate since the separation.[/indent][/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]North Shore[/b][/colour] [indent][sub]POPULATION: ~1 Million || 15KM[sup]2[/sup][/sub][/indent] What was once actually four districts making up the brightest part of the city's entertainment, North Shore is now a home for only the hopeless and desperate; refugees and petty criminals. The area was never repaired after being bombed by Canada almost a decade ago. Most of the buildings are broken and crumbling and any that reside in them take the risk of one collapsing at any given point. Located: The northern most part of the City, reaching up to the Canadian boarder which is marked by wired fencing. [indent][i]North Shore Clinic[/i] [indent] Located in the lower levelst of what was once a functioning hospital, this is where Dr. Pirozzi has made use of a few rooms to run his 'clinic' for North Shore. The doors are open to all, and thus protected and funded by all.[/indent] [i]Delozier Opera House[/i] [indent]One of the more stable buildings remaining in North Shore, it acts as a home for the 'elite' squatters in North Shore. If you're looking for a fix, to borrow money, or not-entirely-legal work, it is the place to go.[/indent] [i]Board-view Casino[/i] [indent]Shortly after the bombs went off, an enterprising mind scavenged the former night-life hotspot that was North Shore and brought all that was salvageable to Board-view Condos. The building may be missing a few walls, and half it stories, but it's been patched up with neon signs and outfitted with games, drinks, and music.[/indent] [/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]Upper Helford[/b][/colour] [indent][sub]POPULATION: 182,000|| 10KM[sup]2[/sup][/sub][/indent] The new high-cost living area of Independence since the destruction of North Shore. A reasonable night life, it houses the City's most elite, with a price-tag to match. Located: South of North Shore, along the west coast of the city backing onto beaches. [indent][i]Elid Tower[/i] [indent]Most notably the home of Richard Delozier who owns both the penthouse and the 'invitation only' club in its basement.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]Frostford Financial[/i] [indent]Headquarters of city's largest bank, since so many others closed with the separation. While new money has begun being printed in small amounts, 'Independence City money' and the American dollar are used interchangeably.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]Eild Beach[/i] [indent]A 5 kilometer long beach running the length of Upper Helford.[/indent][/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]Lower Helford[/b][/colour] [indent][sub]POPULATION: 352,000|| 7KM[sup]2[/sup][/sub][/indent] A largely residential area, somewhat more affordable than it's Upper counterpart. Also houses the city's docks, now used more buy yacht owners than industrial ships, a few fishing boats still set out in the mornings. South of Upper Helford, along the east coast of the city, backing onto the harbor. [indent][i]Helford Hospital[/i] [indent] The largest hospital in the city.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]East Frost Park[/i] [indent]One of the city's larger public parks, densely packed with pine and spruce trees.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]The Harbour[/i] [indent]What was once an industrial harbour, now mostly used to house the sailboats and yachts of the Upper Helford crowd save for a handful of fishing boats.[/indent][/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]Korrin Square[/b][/colour] [indent][sub]POPULATION: 213,000|| 7KM[sup]2[/sup][/sub][/indent] Tourist central, or it would be if tourists were regularly allowed in the city. As it stands, it offers entertainment and nightlife to those that can afford it in a few neon-lit blocks. Location: East of North Helford, south of North Shore. [indent][i]The Grand[/i] [indent] A large casino and hotel.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]Cenic Music Hall[/i] [indent]A new theater and opera house donated by Cenic Industries after the bombing of North Shore.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]Frostford Mall[/i] [indent]A large shopping mall, covering nearly 3 square kilometers and scaling four stories.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]The Dome[/i] [indent] An architecture museum.[/indent][/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]Bellit Point[/b][/colour] [indent][sub]POPULATION: 174,000|| 3KM[sup]2[/sup][/sub][/indent] The political center of the city. [indent] [i]Forstford Univeristy[/i] [indent]A prestigious university known for specializing in genetic and medical studies and research.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]City Hall[/i] [indent]Where the Minister and the eight city council members hold public meetings and debates.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]Independence City Police Department HQ[/i] [indent]Self explanatory[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]Public Services Office/Court House[/i] [indent]Where land-claims, departure visas, and formal citizenship applications are reviewed and processed. [/indent][/indent] [indent][i]United States Embassy[/i] [indent]A closely monitored former hotel re-appropriated to house ambassadors and business officials seeking to work with Independence City[/indent][/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]Warehouse District[/b][/colour] [indent][sub]POPULATION: 237,000 || 5KM[sup]2[/sup][/sub][/indent] No longer the functioning industrial area from before Independence's separation from the United States, enterprising minds have taken it upon themselves to remodel the abandoned factories and warehouses into the city's trendiest, and inexpensive, place to live. That is if you can stand the smell of fish in the mornings. Located east of Lower Helford, on the edge of the city limits. [indent][i]The Foundry[/i] [indent] Located in the heart of the Warehouse district, what was once a natural-gas processing plant had been gutted out and works as a sort of base for Riders. As the group largely works independently of eachother it is usually used as a crash pad and hide-out when things get too hot for members. The Rider's illegal drugs, including their alternative to Nitrofe, are produced and distributed here.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]Fishery[/i] [indent]A number of the buildings in the easternmost area are still functioning in processing fish brought in by the city's harbor.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i]Leedale Airport[/i] [indent]At the Southernmost part of the district lies the city sole functioning airport.[/indent][/indent] [colour=CEB35B][b]Cenic Island[/b][/colour] [indent][sub]POPULATION: N/A || 2KM[sup]2[/sup][/sub][/indent] The man-made island that houses Cenic Industries resting about fifteen kilometers from the shores of Independence. What looks like a complex of tall black buildings from the mainland illuminates at night, reflecting over the Pacific waters brighter than any lighthouse. Ferries run to and from the island day and night for the employees, though boarding one without a pass is impossible. [/hider] [h3][colour=CEB35B][b] ⧔ Current Events ⧕[/b][/colour][/h3][hr][hider=] Current plots anyone is free to join in and drop out of as they please, the results of these will greatly change the state of the city. [i][b]Cut off the Head[/b][/i] [sub]Positions; Riders:4 Deloizers:4[/sub] A letter from Claire Tower's offices posted on the wall of The Foundry: [indent] To whomever retrieves this message, I write to you on behalf of Councilor Towers, Leader of the People's United Front. For the past several weeks Ms. Towers has been receiving a number of threats from your organization, with increasing frequency and malice. While the councilor herself has become too accustomed to threats on her life, I have chosen to take this matter seriously. I am unsure as to the validity of the claims that these threats originate from your organization, if they do that I will gladly pay you to cease any plots on Ms. Tower's life. If this is not amiable, I understand your group works largely one an individualistic basis. In which case, I offer the same pay to any Rider to come and provide discrete security for the week of September 13. Discretion is important, from both the public eye and the councilor herself. Regards David Carthew, Adviser to the People's United Front.[/indent] [i][b]Cash Grab[/b][/i] [sub]Positions; Cenic:4 Falcons:Unlimited[/sub] Cenic City Security emergency assignment (Involves Cenic + Frostford Falcons): [indent] Frostford Financial has come under attack, explosives from below. Due to their proximity, expect law enforcement presence, possible resistance on their part. No treated individuals reported thus far, but perpetrators remain unknown. Proceed with force and caution. [/indent] [/hider] [h3][colour=CEB35B][b] ⧔ Character Sheet ⧕[/b][/colour][/h3][hr][hider=] Copy, paste, and remove Spaces from the [h r]. [pre] [center][h2] NAME/ALIAS [/h2] [sub]REAL FULL NAME[/sub][/center][h r][h r] [center][img] PICTURE/AVATAR [/img][/center][h r][h r] [sub][b]|| GENDER || AGE || OCCUPATION || AFFILIATION || RESIDENCE DISTRICT ||[/b][/sub] [h3]ABILITIES[/H3][h r] [indent]Describe your abilities if applicable, as well as how going feral would effect them[/indent] [h3]EQUIPMENT[/H3][h r] [indent] Weapons are still used regularly in Independence, mostly by CCS. All faction have their own ways of procuring equipment however, so be creative.[/indent] [h3]BACKGROUND[/H3][h r] [indent] Doesn't need to be long or filled with fancy writing. Just get the fundamentals; why is your character in Independence? Where are they from? Why did they get treated? Where were they during the war? ect.[/indent] [h3]PERSONAL STORY[/H3][h r] [indent] What is/are your character's goal(s)/motivation(s) in this roleplay? Can be as vague or as complex as you like.[/indent] [/pre] [hider=What it should look like.] [center][h2] NAME/ALIAS [/h2] [sub]REAL FULL NAME[/sub][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Q6C3sPV.png[/img][hr][hr][sub][b]|| GENDER || AGE || OCCUPATION || AFFILIATION || RESIDENCE DISTRICT ||[/b][/sub][/center] [h3]ABILITIES[/H3][hr][indent]Describe your abilities if applicable, as well as how going feral would effect them[/indent] [h3]EQUIPMENT[/H3][hr][indent] Weapons are still used regularly in Independence, mostly by CCS. All faction have their own ways of procuring equipment however, so be creative.[/indent] [h3]BACKGROUND[/H3][hr][indent] Doesn't need to be long or filled with fancy writing. Just get the fundamentals; why is your character in Independence? Where are they from? Why did they get treated? Where were they during the war? ect.[/indent] [h3]PERSONAL STORY[/H3][hr][indent] What is/are your character's goal(s)/motivation(s) in this roleplay? Can be as vague or as complex as you like.[/indent] [/hider] [/hider]