[color=ed1c24]“That. Was. Awesome!” [/color]Serpentine yelled patting Belle heartily on the back. The snake themed hero was surrounded by a number of very confused individuals who’d just been released from Mr. Johnson’s control. They were the folk marauding outside, freed once Furitta purified the akuma. That sat around blinking in the sunlight and rubbing at their eyes while they conversed amongst themselves over what’d occurred. None of them remembered of course, but they recognized a large patch of their memory was simply, gone. Serpentine ignored them, instead reenacting Belle’s exploits with her hands and words. [color=ed1c24]“You were great bunny, you were like whoosh, boom! And then he was like augh, ow! And you used him as a trampoline and flew through the window. It was totally wild! Who are you?” [/color] At that moment a single grousing, final bleep sounded from Serpentine’s miraculous and her suit began fading away, Ossar’s time spent to the last second. First the gloves and boots went, then the skirt and hood, shrinking and sparking into nonexistence revealing her sweat drenched school clothes underneath. Releasing an undignified squeak of surprise Tonya put her hand up to her mouth turning away from Belle and the window so no one could see her face. She tried to run but a second later the suit fizzled out of existence and Ossar dropped exhausted into her hands. [color=ed1c24]“No, no, I – I’m sorry but I need to go.” [/color]Tonya yelled to Belle, hoping the other girl would understand and not follow her, and explain to the others. Clutching Ossar’s limp form in her hands Tonya sprinted away making for the nearest gas station available. ~*~ The rogue laughed, his humorous guffaws cruel and maniacal. In his left hand Rouge-Bat’s whip stiffened into a quarterstaff and he pointed it menacingly at Furitta, deeming her the greatest challenge to overcome. [color=fff200]“What destruction girl? The wreckage of a few cars, and a hangout, and a mall? What is it to me or you in the greater scheme of things? We are beyond such measly, worldly comforts and distractions. We- I am powerful, and mighty beyond measure. I am not the starry-eyed and egalitarian young fool I once was, I have matured and see everything as it truly is, and so should you. You of all of them should recognize this, you look old enough to understand the futility of it all, but young enough to have not become captured in the web of lies this world tries to sell. I could make this world meaningful, I can make this world safer than it has ever been, I COULD SAVE THE WORLD FROM ITSELF!”[/color] The green displays that formed the eyes of Rouge-Bat’s suit flashed red and he set his feet into the ground bracing for Furitta’s attack. [color=fff200]“All I have done are actions deemed acceptable for the greater good, clearly you have no perspective you sniveling brat. If you won’t take the easy rout offered, then I shall force them from you the hard way. You cannot weasel your way out of this one! The Miraculouses are as good as mine!” [/color]The wire retracted sparking and whirring as it slid through his fingers clanking off the protective armor. Snarling Rouge-Bat sank his heels into the floor feeling the title crack beneath the massive Newtonian forces applied. The seismic sound rippled through the ground and air giving Rouge-Bat an almost prefect view of the Lounge. His echolocation in full effect he took a huge intake of air, holding his breath and falling backward. His body transformed, almost peacefully like a petal disintegrating into dust as he took on his mist-form. Thanks to his heightened sense and echolocation he executed this maneuver just in time to avoid Talon’s taloned boot. The move didn’t disable the flying hero who barely seemed to notice, instead he performed a one eighty and beat a hasty retreat across the lounge. Rouge-Bat released the oxygen trapped in his lungs and his body reformed allowing him to take a few deep breaths. Recovering fast he took his staff in both hands bringing the weapon down in an arc trying to catch Furitta and Talon both in a single powerful swing. [color=fff200]“You cannot escape me you blind sheep, I AM ROUGE-BAT!” [/color]