My bad Zee, I bid you still have a good time here or wherever you choose to go. :). [@Lord Zee] [hider=Departure confirmed.] I have decided to leave after much consideration, it was not an easy decision. I will wipe my last post, do not worry. As we speak I am messaging a mod to help me with it and therefore have put my post in a very clear Hider to signify that none of that happened to waylay any misunderstanding. This is due to system functions, we can't actually -delete- our posts without admin help. Edit: Well, I spent 4 hours typing that post. I want it to be read even if it means nothing in the end because I really enjoyed interacting with the other 4 players and their unique characters mentioned and I'd like them to know that, for what it's worth. So I'm sure you'll have no problems with it being there till it gets deleted very soon, since I've made it clear as day that none of that is happening. Call it me being proud of having played with them if you will, even if most of it had to be spent revolving around your NPCs. [@vancexentan] [/hider]