[@Kitty] Now, I think I made it clear that due to the very nature of the Awakened that they aren't all going to be well adjusted individuals. And that was okay, everyone is still written realistically. However, my problem with Angel is that she's very melodramatic. Mostly coming from her backstory (which really seems over the top), and certain lines... like "DESIRES ⫻ To truly learn how to feel again." I'm okay with a bit of death in a character's backstory (I used it in Jordan and Justin's backstory)... but literally every person in her backstory dies due to some contrivity or another. Okay, while I hate to say it, I can swallow like maybe her parents dying (that'd be cliche af but meh). But, it's simply comical that every person that she had an attachment to died for one reason or another. If it was toned down a bit, I'd buy it. Another issue with the backstory is that you don't really make it clear how she ended up at this point. Why is she in Farmer Hill? Where did she come from (" She wants to become a singer and get out of the small town she's been stuck in her whole life" implies that she was born in Farmer Hill, but it's almost immediately contradicted)? Where will she go? [sub][sub][sub][sub]Cotton eye Joe.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub] I think her abstraction is pretty cool, and I think that, with a few edits to make her more realistic (I.E making her backstory less melodramatic), she can work in the RP. I'm sick rn so I can hardly form a coherent thought, but that's what comes to mind.