When I was a senior in High School, I took a course in Creative Writing and loved it! I would write these unlikely and horrific "war stories" that must have killed my English teacher because I haven't heard from her since. ;) She would often comment, "write about things that you know." My thoughts were, [i]'I am only, 17 and I don't know anything. What I do know, I don't want to write about and what I do want to write about, I do not know.'[/i] So, I stepped out into the world to gain some experiences in areas that I do want to know about in order to gain some experiences I could later write about. With that idea in mind, I have worked in the following careers; Infantry Officer, Police Officer, Railroad Conductor, financial planner and father. They all have had their positives and negatives. Now, let the writing begin! OK, ok, I've been writing for many years now. Let the writing continue! ;)